This is average face of Koreaboo in US

She speaks Korean. She loves to give free Korean lecture. She eats Korean food and have visited Korea too. She constantly post Korean stuff on her instagram. She loves korean boyband Seventeen. And she is child actress and model

Most important thing is she want to ride on Korean dick

Attached: 이사벨 마이어4.png (739x690, 1.18M)

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Quelle négre

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Why are Koreans like this?

Attached: 이사벨 마이어3.png (1151x734, 824.72K)

U mad wh*Te boi?

Attached: q5n1xypphds11.jpg (498x668, 68.91K)

Seething White

Attached: 이사벨 마이어15.png (574x732, 975.5K)

to be honest if there were a bunch of edgy US teens learning German and somehow glorifying certain aspects of German culture I'd think it was hilarious / creepy too.