Non-Latinos, have you ever been with a Latin American descent GF?

Non-Latinos, have you ever been with a Latin American descent GF?
If so, how did you guys get along?

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I have only had latina gfs.

Are you black?

Mixed white/latino, live in Florida.

Just not into white girls really

Are you black?

There aren't many in my city.

Are you black?

good luck, live in a place with a decent mex. pop and most of the good ones only crave white cock while the hot Cheeto goblinaa will date only hood Latinos

I have, she was really really into me as a tall white guy. This was high school and I wanted to hang with my mates more so I left her. I dated a white girl in college but I could immediately tell the lack of warmth compared to what I got from a latina so now I only want hispanic cuties.

I am white and yes, 2

They’re surprisingly attentive to your emotions and needs and also ride dick very well. I think I fucked up by getting engaged to a korean

My ex was Latinx.

OP was asking non Latinos
Nah, they all prefer blacks
Latinas hate whites

el chicano is now emulating his white neighbors and has developed an interracial fetish

Don't bother, younger Latinas are not into white guys

Oh god it's you. Can you please not go on a psycho schizo youtube link rampage this time?

Tenes 3 teclado al pedo
y un negro que grita miau!
lava taper gato negro te cansaste de
todos los punteos
estas zarpado de rastrero
esta cancion te voy a dedicar

te pones cartel de chorro
y sos un tranza nadamas
si hiciste tantos hechos
decime en que penal

cuantos años estuviste preso
tus antecedentes no te ayudan
te acordas cuanto cantabas en los chudas?
en ese grupo de mierda que parecia yerba brava o volcan

y te pones cartel de chorro
sos una rata nadamas
y te pones cartel de chorro
sos una rata nadamas

cuando fuistes a jujuy
vos te vinistes a gilar
te cayeron los pibes chorros
los pibes chorros de verdad

denunciaste a los pibitos
y revisaste los bolsitos
sos un ortiba nadamas

me da mucha, mucha risa
miralo al punga como repisa
y si pinta la requisa
miralo al punga como repisa
Just one link
From the other day, all the Latinas asked hate whites

Reminder to ignore this autist.

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In California, the most common pairing among non-Whites is :


Attached: bartmaxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 55.01K)

Brazilian cuck

I followed some Latinx girls on IG, the hot type, and they would suddenly all start uploading these weird videos of their faces with hiphop music playing or them singing along to hiphop music. Some of them even said nigga all the time.

it usually Filipinos or Hmong.

i used to talk to a dominican girl, big tits and horny as fuck but scary and can get emotional very quickly

When did Latinas in the US go from preferring whites to blacks, like 2015?

why do latinas prefer blacks?

Yeah, most of them fully assimilate to black culture
Black people even let them call them niggas right to their faces
But let some dipshit born in 1970 tell you that they love rock music and white guys

1. Because they see blacks as being very cool, with white guys being very lame
2. Black people have always been supportive of Latinos (like in 2pac's song To Live in Die in LA), while many white people are racist against Mexicans

For the record though, Islander Latinas (PR/DR) are often black mixed so it was never controversial for those to act black

>this cuckspam
Take a break from Zig Forums user.

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Of course this only applies to California since that is the state in the US where both Asians + Latins (mostly Mexican) are the most numerous and it is overwhelmingly always ASIAN MALE + LATINA FEMALE and not the other way around.

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Only because of boomers and white passing Latinas
See how many mestizas under 30 get married to whites.

That is because Latino guys are too alpha to date Asians, Asian girls are for beta white guys.

It's not taboo but Latinas usually don't like Asian guys
For Latinas, they consider black people and black acting Latinos good, and whites, Asians, and non-hood Latinos as bad

OP delete this thread. The schizo is getting out of control.
>blacks and mexicans have a history of getting along and loving each other. Just forget about gang warfare in LA

Please OP just fucking nuke it

yea i don't even know whats with /intpol/ trying to spread news that blacks and latinos hate each other

damn I hate being a white male in 2020...

All trolling aside, you're wrong
Blacks and Hispanics live side by side in LA.
Black people even spared Latinos during the Rodney King riots

While some Latinos ARE racist against blacks, for the most part they love blacks and they team up against whites.
They even get to say nigga, even the straight haired Mexican ones with no black ancestry

Me too. Life sucks, all we can really do at this point is focus on our hobbies and shit

>I can talk about the other way around..

If it helps you user, I see it like this... Mostly people from South America/Mexico tend to have good times with White people and Asian people, The people who are more into black culture are typically from the Caribbean.

First relation ship with a white girl (high school.) not problem at all nothing major, broke up because me and her move to college.

In college (Freshman to Sophomore.) I date a Asian girl nothing major actually, maybe her friends were uneasy? idk what's the correct terminology here, If you wonder we met in the Spanish club, I was helping people with projects and shit, We broke up well She was pursuing Anthropology (she wanted to work on a Museum I remember.) And I just wanted to fuck :( (I didn't knew what to study back then.)

becaue they're either autistic or 40+ and imagine life as being like 1999 still

this thread is racist on the basis that it excludes a whole group based on their background