Serious question...

serious question, how the fuck they made those high budget looking videos when everyone practically watched their product without spending a single penny?
who the fuck paid subscription for a porno in 2020?

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The thing I don’t understand is why they get the most freakish large ugly black men and most pure innocent white girls. If they got attractive black guys I wouldn’t give a shit. No homo

>filming people fucking in a room on a bad
>high budget

it's beastiality


Attached: xEqvBhE.png (1043x1136, 379.92K)

>high budget

this thing is not human

porn is a device to control the common populace aka men. big people are involved in this to stop us from thinking rationally and being productive. wake up bhrathas open yo eyess

>most pure innocent white girls

It's about humillation, politically

Israeli funding

this, but unironically

Is this site popular in the US of A?

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I wish they had cute black guys fucking cute white guys. Yes homo.

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they just use a decent camera. I don't think it's that high budget.

Ofc not he's der coomermensch

>He sold his stake in Vixen Media Group in January 2020 to pursue other business ventures

How does this image makes you feel?

Racist hate blacks and probably women and probably are cucks of course they are gonna want to watch a hard back big cock black man defile a innocent pure white woman woman.

I saw an interview by one of the girls, she was saying that it was incredibly hot and a lot of girls are ready to shoot for free or even pay for it themselves, that's the power of BBC for you

>most pure innocent white girls
user, they're porn actresses.

have you seen the blacked cameras? They are much more high quality than the standard camcorders or phones that gonzo porn producers are using. Blacked, Vixen, Tushy all use this setup.

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>most pure innocent white girls

there's literally no helping simps

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You're retarded if they're watching blacks then they're not racist

Human trafficking is pretty common than you think.
It’s a common knowledge that at least 2/3 of human population is a victim of unjust labour and inequality.

They have the best production values and the hottest women

>those high budget looking videos
don't what you're talking about and not going to find out

it's the yellow dude from sin city

jak już musisz być pedałem to przynajmniej bądź rasistą

They're funded by jews

I think he just profited in the fetish white people already have

America is a tragedy

This guy is not bad looking

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what do jews gain from that?

Money from coomers and people with a cuck fetish.

Engineering a race of slaves to serve them

The Jew's instinct is to turn the world into mutts cause they themselves are mutts


his tattoos are too distracting. I can't self insert as him in videos with him.