The races are DESTINED to intertwine and mix together. You cannot fight nature

The races are DESTINED to intertwine and mix together. You cannot fight nature.

Attached: 1602722010693.webm (340x680, 1.34M)

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I don't want children, they're a hindrance.

Bismillah, that whore should be beaten to within an inch of her life.

WMBF is the most Chad pairing. Since our forefathers have set foot on the soil of Sub-Saharan Africa, it has been the duty of every EVROPEAN man to inseminate the wombs of BLACK QUEENS.

Islam is the religion of Incels.

Why is everyone so obsessed with race nowadays ? Isn't this supposed to be an american thing ?

america must burn

>bwc is a thing outside the chinz
Clown world

Attached: 322d.jpg (1456x881, 694.3K)

I don't know how the fuck this place keeps influencing real life.

Attached: 1602095250712.jpg (576x1024, 106.58K)

We are the music makers.
And we are the dreamers of dreams.