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FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? English >What language should I learn? English
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA "i AM EMBARASSED TO BE DANISH" Example: I like dogs Dogs is the direct object. To be uber specific, you would say I like ob dogs ob First ob marks the beginning of the DO, second ob marks the end of the DO. If you want to be mega blasting specific, do beginning ob and end obe. That's what I mean for syntatic markers Also, "pidgins" are atrocities
>Mun täytyy kysyä sulta jostakin. *jotakin. "jotakin" could be pretty much anything, but "jostakin" is more specific. You can also just say "mulla on/olis(i) kysymys" >Mitään hauskaa ei tapahdu. hauska = fun interesting = kiinnostava so I'd rather say "mitään kiinnostavaa ei tapahdu" >Mä en näe usein paljon ihmiset tässä. *ihmisiä täällä >En ole varma, jos se tee mitään hyödyllistä. *tekee (that was a weird sentence but you managed to translate it pretty well) >Sotilas tapan päällikkö. You can translate it in many ways. *Sotilas tappaa kenraalin. Sotilas on tappamassa kenraalin (that means the soldier is killing the general right now)
And duuuude, just a few months? Now I'm impressed, voi helvetti. I swear you'll be so good after one year if you don't lose your interest. I hope that's not going to happen because you've been doing "todella hienoa työtä" so far.
Asher Martinez
Wouldn't making it uber specific kind of clog sentences? I think we could accomplish this with how we're doing articles/demonstrative pronouns.
taa/toi + noun + definitive ending --> toi eyot --> that water Wait until you see all the other French words that made it into English, like rendevous