wtf I ____ asians now?!?!?
Wtf I ____ asians now?!?!?
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Which Asians ? Chinese or Japanese in the pic ?
Well blacks do have a distinctive smell. We're kind of used to it by now in this part of the world, but I can imagine that for chinks this is all still very overwhelming
Actually, it's more like two underscores.
maybe they don't want to risk infecting the kang with some flu?
The Japanese are genetically closer to Africans and whites, and are on average smellier than the Chinese and Koreans, who are the most Asian of the 3.
Maybe they really stink, I don't really know why they cover their noses if that's not the case, I mean, if you dont really want to touch or smell... or feel black people you just don't sit with them
Or maybe they just do it so they don't infect the cock big 19 and blacks are irresponsible here
Are there really that many nigs in the netherlands?
Left pic: Japanese
Top right pic: Korean
Bottom right pic: Chinese