>you're a big guy
>When was the last time you dropped your phone?
You're a big guy
a week ago
i used to be like omfg who would drop their phone??? when i was younger and had the iphone 3g and they were relatively new
now that im older and ive been drinking and doing drugs for 6 years straight i drop my phone all the time however the universe has prevented it from breaking after dropping it 37 times thank you universe
About four years ago.
Literally never.
I have a soft rubber case that I took the hard plastic shell off of and the groove in the rubber where the two were supposed to combine rests perfectly on middle finger/palm.
Perfect grip without any of tumor accessorizes zoomers stick on their back of their phones.
Never. No protection either.
about two years ago. then i got a belt case like picrel for $15
A couple of months ago. My phone was charging and i accidentally bumped the cord and it fell on the ground then when i went pick it up it fell out of my hands and cracked.
Last time I dropped a phone was 2011. I ran down the stairs, folded my ankle with a loud "CRACK" and my phone and keys went flying at mach 5.
I dropped my Meizu M2 note 7 times, last one was a month ago. It got scratches and deformed corners from hits, but still works fine, surprisingly for 5.5 inch smartphone being this sturdy.
Back in 2017 or 2018 I think
Cracked my phone for the first time couple weeks ago cause I forgot I set it on top of my towel.
Entire things are made of fucking glass god damn it.
Only when my cat pushes it off where I charged (my desk). Otherwise never.
I still have a protector just in case.
I have a cheap Motorola G7 Play, it's survived about 30 drops onto concrete, asphalt, hardwood floors etc.
Hella homo
Break em every six months I just don't care about them gives me a reason to buy a new one .
El consumidor americano.
beats dropping my $1200 phone onto concrete
I thought belt cases were a dead meme.
half my iphone screen doesn't work now
don't really wanna get a new one but i can sign a new contract soon...
I drop it all the time, but last time I cracked a phone was circa 2014, a Nokia Lumia 700 something, but the glass was neatly cut in a half and not shattered, so it was fine.
like a year ago
Two days ago. I drop it all the time.
A couple hours ago.
why do you need a $1200 phone
thankfully it's ok but it's a bit slower maybe it's not related idk
Like once a day and it hasn't broken
like tomorrow
At least once a day.
I meant yesterday
Im drunk
Yesterday. The screen already had a few cracks but it didn't get worse, they aren't that noticeable anyway.
over the summer, it fell out of my pocket while i was crouching wearing shorts putting air in my tires. it fell face first on the pavement but miraculously only got cracked around the screen