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International #1323
The ASIAN male is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity
Webms of int
This is why no one likes Arabs
Do you love france?
Finns make the best pizza in the world
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/ܐܝܣܪ/ -/isr/ -מהדורת זהות
In Finland we have open prisons. People can leave to go to the store or play football with their friends...
Tell me something about the California Bay Area
Sverigetråden - Ölupplagan
I voted no to the legalisation of cannabis
/med/ - Mediterranean
/v4/ + no friends
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Be neet
Does your cunt love vtubers? My cunt loves vtubers!
Tfw Spaniard
Kurva anyátok
Thoughts on Krasnodar and its Krai? Is it any comfier than the rest of Russia?
My bangladesh gf keeps trying to convert me to islam...
/desi/-Femcel tears edition
How does your country feel about trannies?
Are Brits ready?
India has now overtaken the UK as the world's fifth largest economy
I'm 20 years old and I've never had sex. Does this happen in your country?
You are now thinking about all the gfs that could have been
/tr/ - Üstad Erdem Alsırt edisyonu
Bros... Im scared
Which one would you be reborn in?
Finally, I got a bf today
Does your country commit crimes against humanity or war crimes???????
WMAF should be illegal
Buy manga from japan
It's 5.41AM. what time is it in your country?
What's the best country in Eastern Europe?
It is my birthday now
Why are the higher living standard areas of South Asia occupied by darker Southern Indians while North India and...
Why did USA and France start hating each other? We were bros from the very beginning
Could I find friends/love in your country? pic rel is me
Honest opinion on France?
/ita/ il filo
I would unironically kill to see her getting BLACKED
Why is brazil so poor?
/eag/ - East Asian Thread
Tell your ethnicity(where your family’s from) and I will post it’s genetics here
Is getting beheaded part and parcel of your town yet?
Is this country better than yours?
/dixie/ - southern us and friends
How are race relations in Australia? You never hear about anything happening there
The shittiest states in Ameirca are
Why do latinxians have such big butts?
Serious question...
1. your country
This is the official tier list of the US states. There will be no changes
My balls have been hurting for the past few days
How come Chileans are majority Euro genetically despite being so far from Spain?
Flag of the Indian navy
Why was NYC so dangerous in the 70s/80s and why is it so safe now?
Why is cheating on your partner so common among Latinos of both genders?
This is the most brazilian picture ever
Ok, now what?
Ex British colonies tend to be first world
This is the most famous person in Sweden
Do you sympathize?
The brown peso lost even more value
How are you enjoying this friday night?
Why yes I am a Christian, therefore I am a Socialist
Is this guy well-known in other countries? What do people think of him?
What do you guys think of Josh Luna comics?
This country is fucking based
Americans call their cookies "Cracker", why not come up with a pastry and call it "Nigger" just like the mexicans did?
How do I get a European gf life this
Who are generally regarded as the best immigrants in your country?
Female english teachers wear normal (western style) makeup
Has france apologized?
/fr/ -fmmmmmfmmcmmmflll
Post your setup
Do Europeans really have fruit bowls to display food in their homes?
Americans, how legit is the "eating alone at the school" meme?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Smeniem did nothing wrong proud citizen of the russian federation
Are Mongolians the Ultimate Chads of Asia?
/deutsch/ hoch die Hände Wochenende
Do frogs really?
French cops wait 50 seconds before shooting a terrorist
Who would win in a war?
Are they first world?
/fr/ - franc'fil
What are your thoughts on canada?
The real america
Tfw no black queen
Uncircumcised guys of int, do you pull back your foreskin when you piss?
Brits can't have sex anymore
This is my favorite country. Say something nice about it
ITT we post controversial Zig Forums opinions
Americans, explain
Edycja ukryta
Sverigetråden - Knutssons slagsmålsupplaga
Are you hairy bros?
Does your country have really tall blonde volleyball girls?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you like bitchy girls?
Will Europe make it...
Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t quit my dead end job to teach English in East Asia
This is my favorite church
/fr/ - francofil
I just had sex btw
Indonesians built a neighborhood on top of a shopping mall
Millionaires across the world
Pictures that sum up your country's relationship with other countries
/brit /
Why are there so many Africans in Europe? They said they had only a few Arabs...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Yet another r*ghtoid goes on shooting spree
Why American people love Pickup Truck so much??
Has tourism changed in you're country since the lockdown? Is it a good or bad thing?
Do you love America?
What's your country national epic?
They shall not pass. Who ?
Turned 23 today
How are ugly women treated in your country? People are cold and distant towards them in mine
/skandi/ + /norgetråden/ + /sverigetråden/ + /danmarktråden/
Just fixed the Balkans for you Eurobros, no need to thank me
Do people in your country get beheaded by Muslims when they show Karikaturs of the prophet Mohammed?
/tr/ - Erdem Alsırt (big bo$$) edisyonu
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Sverigetråden - Sissyupplagan
Lads, my gf asked me if i wanted to try bdsm and i said yes without thinking much of it
Getting a drivers license in both countries in the OP^ has cost me 3000€ so far, and I *still* don't have it
Hey guys look at this random cancro index we're number 1, please be jealous of us
How’s the weather in your country?
Can i pass as a local in your country? i think i pass best in balkans, specifically dinaric alps where i am from...
Oi I heard you been chatting shit about Brits
/ita/ - il filo
Have you ever visited Paris?
Message to Somalian user: I would like to learn about your country. Here in Korea we are intrigued by Horn Africa
/fr/ francofil
Is it easy to find love in your country
/yuyuko/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you want to live in america? Why and why not?
Which one is the least shit?
Wake up
/fr/ francofil
What happens here?
Why are people afraid of russia?
My college has a study abroad program that I plan on using for my senior year, which country should I go to?
Post Animals Americans have never seen in person
/desi/ - NEET edition
What is Sweden trying to cover up?
Sverigetråden - Sanna Marins speciella upplaga
/la/ - hilo latino
/brit /
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
1 dollar went to 180 pesos and the minimum wage in Argentina is now LOWER than the minimum wage in Haiti
Euros talk about how non-white immigration is OK
I’m a 195 cm croatian chad
Why do not Europeans build shit like this anymore?
/fr/ francophile
What european sub race do latinas prefer their men to be? North / south / central european?
Anaesthetist pay in the UK
Why do Ashkenazi Jews have this sloping-type forehead phenotype? what purpose does that skull shape serve?
How can a country that has lost the race to the rest of the world in various industries and has nothing to export still...
What is with the British obsession with growing enormous vegetables?
Twin states
I am untriggerable, no bant can rustle me jimmies
What is prison like in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Why do they refuse to remove their cuckstamps?
Question from a languagelet:
Sverigetråden - Södra Latin upplagan
Ripe for med BVLL cock
Get out of europe you shitskin
Which countries do you consider first world?
I just got fucked in the mouth btw
5° celsius
1 in 4 Turks is accepting of homosexuality. When did Turkey become so progressive...
/rider/ general
Here’s your midwestern pop punk gf user
How do mexicans cope?
Kurva anyátok
Do you view them as one race?
Why are there so many sexua content produced from eastern european countries...
Female Attractiveness by Country Poll
Why are catholics less radical than protestants?
Why are scandinavians (especially Sweden) so overrepresented on Zig Forums...
Tfw no goblina will ever look at you this way
Tfw October and already depressed. I'm not gonna make it through this winter bros
/fr/ - le fracofil
Where in Europe can I see the most medieval stuff? I’m not talking museums. I’m talking architecture...
You have to admit
This board has taught me that europeans are extremely egotistical whilst knowing nothing
In 2001 i was 1y old
This is a France worth dying for
Sverigetråden - Ryttardampupplagan
Why do we find Asian women attractive?
Do Americans really age like this?
Your cunt
Zig Forums Pictionary
Why do non-whites want to be white so bad?
His country doesn't have an absolute monarch who dismembers political opponents with a chainsaw and takes selfies with...
Bro are you really body shaming Billie Eilish and Cardi B? That's not cool
Wiślica is the smallest city in Poland with a population of 650
Do italians really
Why are chinese so disgusting?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How would your family feel if you brought home a Dutch girl?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw 95% of the people on Tinder are boring or trashy feminists
Get. A. Job
/desi/ - stubble burning edition
/fr/ francofil
I suffer in Germany/Denmark/Sweden/Switzerland/Norway/Netherlands/Czechia
How would your family feel if you brought home an Indian girl?
/ita/ - il filo
He's coming back home soon
What's going on in thailand now?
Why do Swedes make the most soy products?
/hung/ - Nagyfaszú csanádok fonala
His country doesn't have the right to bear arms
Sverigetråden - Vidstige ävem l upplaga
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Russia doesn't deserve this :(
Is it normal to want to get pregnant just to get bigger boobs? I kinda hate kids
Tfw italian and every foreigner goes like "pineapple on pizza xD" or "mama de mia mario!" or does weird hand gestures
1. Your country
Evanescence – Bring Me to Life
Which one?
Why can't they pronounce "R"?
Is this type of gym shorts popular in your country?
What do you like about Turkey, Zig Forums?
We aren't talking enough about how France singlehandledly destroyed most of its soul and replaced it with the rootless...
America would be Heaven on Earth if only they segregated schools by gender and race and eliminated any trace of marxism...
Tfw not born in 1st world country
Does Hetalia represent your country well?
The protagonists of history
1. you are a cunt simple as
How do we make white countries produce their own drugs?
Female Attractiveness by Country Poll
What's your Least Favorite European Country?
Turkish cities look like THAT?!
Does your country have many Olympic gold medals?
Greeks BTFO
Hilo repiola - hilo latino
I made pizza gonna put it on oven
An american falls out of bed
/ita/ - il filo
Indian women talking about how white men don't like them
Is Australia the best, most prosperous western country right now? It seems to combine the best of the West and Asia...
Hes so right. Spices are for brown people only
Your country
Sverigetråden - Ja/ck/upplagan
I hate poor americans. they are so fucking stupid
/fr/ - le francofile
Is it okay to be gay in your cunt?
Why did you fail, England?
Why do turks try to steal everyone's heritage and shun their own greco-armenian heritage?
Why are thirdies such cunts to their women ?
New Zealand has an election tomorrow
Do you think Yahya observes the precepts of Islam?
Be me
Brazil would be a great country to live in if it had much less violent crime and corruption
Watch video of a fat Yugoslavian man once
Your cunt
Do you love hungary?
What's this called in your native language?
/ישר/ - /isr/
I suffer in the third world
Do Indians really?
Rightful german clay
Is new zealand one of the few first world countries in the bew world with SOVL that isnt a complete shithole?
Kurva anyátok
I want to get sexually abused by a russian girl
This is not fair
Thinking of opening a bar. What "theme" should the bar have?
Brazilian exchange student can't come to class today because "it is too cold"
>everywhere in the world: whitest part of country is smartest
Remember how this based dude made Zig Forums seethe non stop 2 yrs ago
Arabized indians
I've been telling Asians for years to avoid white countries
The world according to boomers from your country
/desi/-Crypto Christian edition
Sometimes I wish Germany had won on 1918
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Tfw Taiwanese
Tfw learning nothing in class teacher doesn't explain in understandable way
I can't make a friend
Own most of the world
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
All Muzzise should be exterminated
Why did South Korea end up becoming so much more Americanized than Japan despite both being occupied?
I've become interested in fortified homes
Do indian woman like spic men?
/eag/ - East Asian General
Zig Forums was too stupid to figure this out. /his/ was too stupid to figure this out...
The state of Finnish laws
Do turkish women like indian men?
Do you like Swedish people?
One (1) chance at life
I suffer in Finland
1, Nation
How could someone look at this organ and not believe in God? Fucking retards
Favorite state?
Does this happen in your country?
USA officially founded 1776
*Refuses to learn english*
Do americans really?
Why is it wrong to kill myself when the hards given to me at birth are so shit
What is this man's race?
Alright what's the verdict on coffee bros?
/fr/-Le fil de France
Earning 650,000 RUB a month (roughly a 100,000 USD yearly salary), what can you do in Russia with this much money...
I’m always surprised seeing blonde hair blue eyed italian. It’s like finding Waldo
Sverigetråden - livsmoggade upplagan
What happens here?
You're a big guy
/Mex/ — Hilo Mexicano
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Does your head of state retweet Dutch satanists?
Is this shit real??
Most used smartphones in Spain
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends & Douchebags
Is american politic the most entertaining politic?
Will Zig Forums help our brothers again the T*rkish menace? We can't let Reddit outshine us
White Americans score higher on international standardized tests of reading, math, and science than Japanese, Koreans...
Red = lame AND gay
Your country
I love italy
Do Americans really?
None of you ACTUALLY hate Germany, right?
Why do Brazilians put money up their butt?
/lat/ hilo latino
What is it about this flag which generates the worst fucking posts?
In Germany they shut off the water from 7:30PM - 4AM on Mondays-Tuesdays and 8AM - 1PM on Fridays-saturdays to save the...
/ita/ - il filo
Why those retards claim we ''stole'' their land when we weren't evn an independent country and the decision was made...
If there's an alternate universe, what would you do there?
Does Japan still consume physical media over digital? I know they buy CDs still, but what about books and movies?
Which country has the least suffering?
Eyes of Zig Forums thread
Seriously Latinos need to stop associating us with them this is getting ridiculous
I'm Chinese
Opinions on society?
Tfw no ghetto latina gf
Being below 1.70 must be very sad
Conversation between Polish father and son in 2003:
/fr/ - Le fil du temps qui passe
Your country
Why are they always so prideful? they have nothing to be proud of
Post your favorite European country
If I go to any Latinx countries can I easily blend in?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
ITT: Zig Forums in 1870
Sverigetråden Ylva upplagan
/lat/ hilo latino
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
America is about to elect a president whos son is an open meth addict
You need a woman in your life
Zig Forums, what's the funniest race related joke you can think of when seeing this picture?
Is it actually possible to tell someone is gypsy vs. med apart?
Japan is now in decline
In America you can buy 6 Big Macs for like 50 cents, but in Europe one Big Mac costs like 5 dollars
It is litterally impossible to suffer in Brussels
Why do y'all creeps want a twink bf all of a sudden?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2433
These are battle pictures, one of the best phenomena in the Internet culture of post-Soviet countries...
/fr/ le francofil
You wake up in Cincinnati, Ohio as a black man. Your height 207 cm (6,8 ft) tall and you've got a 30 cm (12 inches) BBC...
It's time to realize what a toxic and hostile environment we have created for female posters on this board and once and...
How many languages do you speak?
Chinabros, what's going on...?
Spouses/partners of European heads of state
I like it with no toppings
Does your country use cooking oil or butter?
Why do Mexibros hate other Latinx?
This board is disgustingly racist, so what if some white girls like black guys! it's their choice FFS!
Why is European colonization a bad thing? It brought an end to a complete degenerate civilization as pic related
Whats the ideal age for women in your country?
Who’s your favorite YouTuber from your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Solupplagan
Dubs and i join the spanish legion
What is the first country that comes to mind when you say Europe?
Tell me a cool international fact
Aryan phenotype thread
Do they really hate white people...
Russians don't use the verb "be"
ITT: post a pic of your street
Justin Y
Dragon Ball Super
Greeks call non Greeks barbarians
What does int think of Nafris? I think they're based desu
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/ita/ il filo
Share an interesting fact that people don't know about your country
I don't get the noise about this one
/desi/ - Assam Madarsa edition
Should France side with Latins or Germanics?
I have a fake Samsung in my living room
What do arab muslims think of them? Are they ashamed?
This is a real advert in London to encourage people getting back to work, how does it make you feel?
How do black people cope with being black?
White people
Culture Pals /cp/ general 1.1
Finland used to have access to the arctic sea
1.your cunt
Sverigetråden - Gyllene Upplagan
How long until the whole map is green?
Would you like to find love in Colombia?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Are they winning?
This is powerful
When you break down the race of the Top 500 Amateurs on PornHub you get these results :
VGH... the beauty of AMVRICA
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Why are Bosnians so fucking good at English?
Most girls have in this generation have watched porn
Noooo Eurobros, we got too cocky this time!
/fr/ franceuhfil
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine