Message to Somalian user: I would like to learn about your country. Here in Korea we are intrigued by Horn Africa

Message to Somalian user: I would like to learn about your country. Here in Korea we are intrigued by Horn Africa

Attached: 16-10-2020 04-34AM.png (771x556, 672.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What country are those pictures from?

They had a port like kingdom. It all went to shit when the Arabs invaded, converted them and it lead to inbreeding. Nothing really special about them, they're just Cushitic. Not really the hunter gathered type (before colonialism).

Im here now

Exhibit A

Attached: so1.png (1900x2140, 1.9M)

Exhibit B.

Attached: So.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

both from korean site- both somalian
i see
hello can you tell how everyday life is there? what do you do all day?
why is it unassigned?

the one on the right is afar

I can only speak on how it is to live as a higher class, it's very nice. All I do is stay home and go on the internet, watch youtube on my TV, and relax. For lower class poorer person its just as shit as you would expect.

Do you work?
>Here in Korea we are intrigued by Horn Africa