>wake up
>europe looks like this
what do?
Wake up
Realize in I'm a tranny mod and pick up the phone.
Gotenhalbinsel... home
>... and I made Germany bigger!
Vgh in relief that this was all just a nightmare.
Ensure Cymru joins the Axis.
New Order is boring. Equestria at War & Kaiserreich are betteer (only play as Nazi Russia under Boris Savinkov)
You are an mentally ill cuck and need to be put down
I guess not be allowed to breed for having one non aryan grandparent
kys nazi scum
shut the fuck up commiecuck
I'm neither of those loser ideologies, I'm not braindead :D
>eastern europe and half of france is german majority in like 20 years
how did they do it?
Cum then go back to sleep
Women that got children received their own version of an iron cross, called the "Mutterkreuz".
They received a Golden one if they had 8+ kids, and obviously they want that medal
Anglos would never let Germany get that big, and thats a good thing :)
>I'm not braindead
Yet you protest when your own nation gains more land
What a fucking creature
>Turkey still exists
Nazis confirmed for cucks
Germany shouldn't have been allowed to exist
wow why haven't modern western countries done this to fix the birth rate? sounds genious !
No more hungarians and gypsies in the country sounds based
>North sweden barely finnish
In trash it belongs
nevermind I'm blind, seems like the Hungarian question remains unanswered
I know you're joking, but another factor could honestly be the fact they get to be close to Hitler, back then they fangirled him
so there's like 200 people living in the reichs border regions?
why didn't germany absorb holland, england, sweden and denmark into the germanic reich?
Liberate lappland
utter the loudest possible VGH, enough to deafen the now-elderly reichfuhrer all the way from north america, or as I like to call it, das neugrossdeutchesfuhrerstaat
>nowa polsk
t. Mohammad al Rashid bin Habin