Insightful views from the middle-class edition
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Belter song to start off the new edition
>saying lock up the vulnerable
literally not seen anyone say this desu
Whether it’s bankers, MPs, CEOs. They all seem to jump from job to job, despite being totally inept.
hit detection in the new cod is actually so garbage
will miss a bunch of bullets that just go straight through their playermodel
and then will get a kill when i shot 2 feet to the right of someone like i have backtrack.
Welcome: Brits, Irish, Aussies
Tolerated Runts: Kiwis
Honorary Guests: Portuguese, the French poster (singular)
everyone else can FUCK OFF
me, i am
Welcome: brits
tolerated runts: irish
everyone else can fuck off desu
Is it a legal requirement to have in every show or advert atleast one of the following: women, black people, or a white guy being stupid
squeeze it
fancy my willy up there?
There does genuinely seem to be a strata in our society where failure isn't an option. I don't mean that in the sense that the stakes are too high and they must succeed or else, I mean that failure isn't actually on the scoresheet. At all.
You fuck up at one place and off you pop with a golden handshake and a job a few months later. Disasters that would see regular folks fired and blacklisted from an industry are shrugged off, cock ups get you promoted out of harms way. Make too much of an arse of it and one day you might even wake up as Health Secretary or PM.
i have recently started replaying battlefield 1 and it is still an aboulsute belter of a game.
you forgot to list yanks on here
or did you group us in with brits because we’re anglos?
If i do a load of juice squirts up like half a foot in the air sometimes
Sounds kino.
Battlefield 1 was the best battlefield in years
wtf is that a cyst or has your body just grown a hole
Funny, I said it a few times I reckon.
fucking hell how entitled can you be
"dont feel safe under this government and around the british public" where the fuck does she think she is.
how? i reinstalled it and only found a server with 3 french people. the games dead for me
reading about historical relationship between USA and Britain post 1776, Yanks should be considered a hostile nation to Britain and every British PM in the last 60 years should be executed for treason
tbf isolating the vulnerable isn't a feasible proposition simply because of how many elderly, fatties and boomers we have
you can't isolate such a huge amount of the population
ooooh go on then lad give it a nip
peng or grim?
Do you mind? Some of us are trying to drink here.
Funny how the large majority of Tory voters are the ones that stand to lose the most if the Tories win
tis the state of middle class freaks you see
Might get a job as a gigolo
this is the future joe biden wants
>I feel unsafe around everyone, from people in the street to the folk running our country
>hahaha yeah lol not surprised rly
top tier psychiatry there lmao
Shut the fuck up you rotten cunt, we want to go about our lives
Shtay in if you're afrain of the shaggin cold
If she think she isn't safe in Britain due to a global pandemic then where is she going to go?
ps4 is still active
managed just fine during lockdown
let's have a look
these people need a reality check fuck me
yeah we were anglophiles culturally but also pretty anti-britain for the majority of our history
the special relationship is made up post-WW2 stuff for britain to cope about their pet status
She's lyingggggggg........
need a non sexually intimidating gf desu
yeah, because we did it for everyone
you can't keep that many people totally separated from a normal working economy for everyone else.
Love to see it
The further the world progresses, the more we see how right he was
the sequel
that actually you billy?
Your dad's for a shag and become a homewrecker
Are you the lad who had the massive bollock?
I rise at eleven, I dine about two,
I get drunk before seven; and the next thing I do,
I send for my whore, when for fear of a clap,
I spend in her hand, and I spew in her lap.
Then we quarrel and scold, ’till I fall fast asleep,
When the bitch, growing bold, to my pocket does creep;
Then slyly she leaves me, and, to revenge the affront,
At once she bereaves me of money and cunt.
If by chance then I wake, hot-headed and drunk,
What a coil do I make for the loss of my punk!
I storm and I roar, and I fall in a rage,
And missing my whore, I bugger my page.
Then, crop-sick all morning, I rail at my men,
And in bed I lie yawning ’till eleven again.
Lads do you reckon the Holocaust actually happened?
based retard
not my problem their vulnerable to a meme flu is it?
just want the clubs open
To be honest mate I don't really want to see a picture of your bollocks on my Friday night you fucking little freak
Reckon there were some good ideas in there aside from the genocidal and warmongering mania
fucking hell it’s big bollock lad, thought it had grown to the size of a small car and consumed you
Yeah. Its crazy how the US navy literally boarded two british civilian ships carrying confederate diplomats and the brits didnt do shit about it
mad how they still need to cope with rationalisations like this instead of simply living it up with all the money
need simps out of business pronto
are you blind pal
never invited
Reckon Britain is well and truly finished and we've got no hopes of improving things in the future, but probably won't ever have the bollocks to leave desu
How many windows does a house need anyway? They’ll just get smashed
I hope billy big bollock got it sorted tbf
don’t think that’s a new pic though
aye, at villa park t'other week
six million scousers offed themselves in shame
massive shagger vibes from freddie flintoff
like literally off the charts shagger vibes
topgear is still shit though
(im watching the graham norton show)
can you write FOY for me again on your ball?
Yes, you fucking retard. Whether it was 6 million or not, I don't know.
didn’t ask
Bit pissed now lids.
you honestly would have to be a tard to not believe it happened
you can debate the numbers sure, but it really is one of the most well documented genocides in history
What were they thinking in the 60s with pebbledashing
reminder that right wingers mentally ill
both my bollocks are smaller than his healthy bollock 2bh
Anyone see that documentary the other day about the Danish guy who went to North Korea whilst pretending to be interested in purchasing military-grade weaponry?
did civilians get killed
six million Jews?
get in there de lad
the earth is round
the holocaust happened
jesus lived
Grim. First word I heard when I switched the channel was slavery.
The name's Momma, Joseph Momma.
My fluttering soul, sprung with the pointed kiss,
Hangs hovering o’er her balmy brinks of bliss.
But whilst her busy hand would guide that part
Which should convey my soul up to her heart,
In liquid raptures I dissolve all o’er,
Melt into sperm, and spend at every pore.
A touch from any part of her had done ’t:
Her hand, her foot, her very look’s a cunt.
Kill all men who give women free money
going to have a can now 2bh aha
gamer brains are literal slush
need her to sit on my face
not sure this is canon lad
alright Tariq
yeah but it wasn't 6 million
explain this one
Be honest lads, is your penis longer than 6 inches when erect
6.5 reporting in
The Nazis killed 6 million Jews but they weren't all sent to camps
Over a million were shot
Many killed in pogroms
Killed in deportations
Died working in slavery
Killed as prisoners of war
Reckon that needed clearing up
remembering 2015 /brit/
Reckon Priti Patel will send me a crate of concentrated fart powder if I pay enough tax lads?
you missed a good bit of dialogue with Wenger talking football
then yes, slavery had to come up
Samuel L Jackson made a documentary ini
nearly finished that part now though
On the budweisers me, said no to the coke
Would love to see her shit in a tupperware box and post it via royal mail to my address
ring ring.
ring ring.
hello?'s me..... DA CRINGE MEISTER!!!!!
rather gomfy
Thanks for the memories, Nige.
3 inches longer
K-on, lads
I was there
Look lads. Everyone is a whore.
Either you sell your body in the traditional sense or you sell your body an hour at a time to hard labour or you sell your mind. No point getting upset about it.
Even if you are a security guard or something you are whoring your time.
The only way to not be a whore is to live completely independently and self sufficiently or be on the dole. But then in a way you are whoring your self respect.