/desi/ - NEET edition

Attached: The-NEET-2020-Topper.jpg (999x513, 108.75K)

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That's all for today bruh

What did they mean by this?

So this is the developed land of Tamil Nadu?


Bros is it weird that I have only 2 female friends one of which blocked me :C

All the foids in my school were boring

I asked mena if they want to join our Among Us lobby.
Judging by your alpha chad behaviour towards women in Among Us, it's normal bro.

I thought it was an attempt at cryogenics at first.

speaking of bruh, where is 'brah' anyway? Did some periyarist harvest him?

It was my dream to get a good rank in entrance exams and milk ALL the coaching centres for cash.

I have one and she blocked my 8 years ago, we still hatefully talk with each other from time to time but hate doing it

Of my 4 close female friends, two are married and one is in a relationship. I have a crush on all 3 of them. The fourth one is single but i am indifferent. What do bros?

>Judging by your alpha chad behaviour towards women in Among Us, it's normal bro.

Bro I swear that shit I only did in among us for no reason I am not that extroverted to ask for bob and vagene upfront
Then why do you talk if you hate doing it

Is Naxalaboo ever going to come?

>Zig Forums getting spammed with angry european posting
how should we protect our beloved /desi/ vros...

I know bro I was kidding

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Anna, let them come. Let's teach them Tamil.

>Of my 4 close female friends, two are married and one is in a relationship. I have a crush on all 3 of them. The fourth one is single but i am indifferent. What do bros?

Bruh wait for breakup or if you value your friendship find someone idk what else you realistically can do

>I am not that extroverted to ask for bob and vagene upfront
So you mean that your lack of extraversion is the sole reason why you are not not asking for bobs and vagene upfront.

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Big secks

how's the hair transplant going naxalboo

I am not him lmao

Vedic shaaaaan! \*~*/


Yes, it is I, Vedic Aryan.

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Yo yo yo big man Sultaaaan here. my bros told me all you gangus post on here. just thought i'd let u know u better keep ur mouths shut or else we are gonna juk u up real hard blud. me n my cuzzy bros will mash you up real good. look at my latest mixtape blud

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It wasn't a paki this time, /desi/ will be left alone

I wactually wanted information on him

Yes, life is suffering. When they they gang up and tease me if i have found a girl some thing rises in me. I think i might be a closet masochist :|

I'll give you information. for money.

t. MİT

Aaaaa *hugs profusely* uwu