Arabized indians

arabized indians

Attached: iran flag.png (1024x585, 21.61K)

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Mamaaaaaa, just killed a man

Other way around, bud. Indians are Dravidianized Iranians/Aryans. They should've implemented castes way earlier.

Why do Iranians get so triggered if anyone calls them Pakistani or Indian?

Attached: 21oufld (1).jpg (1024x688, 56.35K)

cause they are persians

Proto-Dravidians were from Iran. Aryans were from Central Asia.

Attached: images (38).jpg (500x391, 51.73K)

My ancestors..

That's okay, but why do they look down on us South Asians. There's nothing special about them.

Infact, North Indian and Pakistani have more Aryan blood in them than Iranians from Iran do.

manifestation of self-hatred. iranians are arabized indians at the end of the day.