Why did USA and France start hating each other? We were bros from the very beginning

Why did USA and France start hating each other? We were bros from the very beginning.

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When french lefties became commie faggots after the 60s and french righties hated how the US forced anti colonialism and botched indochina.


We were at the brink of war with them multiple times. Our relationship has always been icy at times.

when they started constantly backstabbing us in the middle-east

We're still bros. It's just been awhile since our revolutions, now we're both busy with other shit and don't have time to hang as much anymore. It happens to most friendships.

i think the revolution thingy

yeah, then just 20 years after your independence you pulled an anglo on us claiming revolutionary France isn't the same country as the Kingdom of France, and as such you had no debt to pay
it has always had its downs and ups, right now we're in a down, no biggie

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about when the quasi war started soooooo ~1800


Because France wouldn't sanction the US invasion of Iraq.

No one in the US hates France of french people. What are you kn about? I'm sure they hate us though.

>We were bros
we were never bros. The french helped us out of spite for the brits.

> Why did USA and France start hating each other?
The hate has mostly been coming from france. There is long history of anti-americanism from french intelligentsia.

The US "hate" has mostly just been butthurt and knee jerk reaction at the French.

I only hate them because they hate me

When they attacked our best buds Mexico

>We were bros from the very beginning.
We did quarrel a bit because of Napoleon.

Oh yeah that shit always makes me laugh. They learned from the best.

seventh post best post

well, it's true

> France
> Bros

Can't be bros with niggers.

>Why did USA and France start hating each other?
When Chirac refused to send french troops to Iraq following Bush Jr's dubious claims that Saddam was building mass destruction weapons.
Your president call to boycott french products and the americans, who were still in shock from 9/11 and full of patriotic fervour, developed some resentment against France.

we might be niggers but at least we poo in the loo

At least I don't speak arabic and get my head chopped off.

We bailed you out of Both world wars so I’d call it even

>botched indochina.
Not our fault, neither was Indonesia.

Literally nobody, and I mean nobody, fell for that.

>Chirac refused to send french troops to Iraq following Bush Jr's dubious claims that Saddam was building mass destruction weapons.
You should had given him an award for that. The guy pretty much saved you guys from the clusterfuck that is iraq.

Blame De Gaulle

They were never our bros they just hated bongs. Europeans are snakes that can't be trusted

so true

filthy commie, you probably dont enjoy freedom fries with your liberty steaks and your complimentary liberty cabbage.

>blame that guy who refused to submit to American rule

>Europeans are snakes that can't be trusted

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>revolutionary France isn't the same country as the Kingdom of France
That's correct. France was taken over by ruthless commoners who had no sense of right from wrong, if anything we should have demanded money from you for daring to even exist.

Haha the American is fat :DD

They had business ties with Saddam Hussein, that's why they didn't want to go into the war.