Female Attractiveness by Country Poll

It's time to settle this once and for all: which country has the most attractive women?

VOTE HERE: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegnEziQ8IEh_LJ0zl37U-hvu21VzV9e5OFWJRG5H2VZoFE_A/viewform

Guidelines are in the link, you can vote 5 different countries, and each vote is worth a value decrementing from 5 to 1. You can vote for any country you like.

Deadline is 3 days from now.

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>makes this thread twice on int in the past few hours
>as well as on sp

>the responses aren't public

ummm i'm not sure the way people look is determined by their nationality.

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Cry more idiot.

No thanks, cia

Different nationalities have their own distinct appearance, you either have an eye for it or you don't.

what are the results so far?

>Enter the link
>Don't read anything and put "Niger" in all the boxes

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