Tfw Taiwanese

>tfw Taiwanese
>tfw you'll never be a Japanese colony again
Feel like pure shit, just want them back

Attached: oof.png (783x1021, 1.1M)

Why are you such a fucking cuck

I wish the whole world were a Japanese colony

I wish Japan occupied America instead of the other way around


Attached: Fictitious_emblem_of_Taiwan_SAR.png (600x622, 55.08K)

Japan love Taiwan desu.

Attached: 13EA292C-A8FD-4E25-AC55-0EC83CA7A361.jpg (2476x3500, 908.22K)

to be fair our occupation turned them away from the hypernationalism they used to have. But I agree, our creation is now superior to us.


I am Taiwanese and feel the same.
How is wanting to be a part of the glorious Japanese empire cucklike?

mainland chink detected