Post your setup

Post your setup

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Why are the dildo so pointy? American penis?

Nothing special about it, pretty basic

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Comfy jewhut

Me and my gf's setups. Mine is on the right.

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Nothing special

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that cat is fat

She's pregnant so yes.

Congrats! what are you going to do with the kittens? give them away or keep em?


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Will probably keep one of the females, give the rest away. Couple of our neighbors wants a few of them as well.

are you from Västerås by chance?

Maybe... Why do you ask?

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No envy, please.

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Does anyone actually buy shit like this?

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I know a couple dudes who have rigs like that. Proper mega-nerds and game developers.

Just the average mudhut

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does your name start with H? if yes, I know your gf/ex-gf/fiancee/ex-fiancee.

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It does start with an H.
Then perhaps you know my ex gf. The crazy bitch.
But who the hell are you kek?

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He is the bull who fucked your gf while she went on that vacation with her friends.

What's going on in this thread?

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Rate my NEEThub

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Unlucky for him, she wasn't worth the trouble.

Pretty comfy desu

kawaii des

>yes i'm an ultra zoomer without a taste how did you know

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Why do all japanese houses have these shitty metal shelves? I see them everywhere in anime.

I'm so sick of you fucking slavs spending money on such garbage fucking keyobards


ok not really clean
nauseating 0/10
too sterile 7/10
best so far 9/10
it's a really nice keyboard for it's money, one of the best membranes and looks good too

Get a mousepad, clean up the cables, put the pc on floor where its supposed to be and then it'll look ok

we don't know each other, I just went to college with your ex. alright. take care.

I'd show mine but you'd all call me a fag

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