Post your setup
Post your setup
Why are the dildo so pointy? American penis?
Nothing special about it, pretty basic
Comfy jewhut
Me and my gf's setups. Mine is on the right.
Nothing special
that cat is fat
She's pregnant so yes.
Congrats! what are you going to do with the kittens? give them away or keep em?
Will probably keep one of the females, give the rest away. Couple of our neighbors wants a few of them as well.
are you from Västerås by chance?
Maybe... Why do you ask?
No envy, please.
Does anyone actually buy shit like this?
I know a couple dudes who have rigs like that. Proper mega-nerds and game developers.
Just the average mudhut
does your name start with H? if yes, I know your gf/ex-gf/fiancee/ex-fiancee.
It does start with an H.
Then perhaps you know my ex gf. The crazy bitch.
But who the hell are you kek?
He is the bull who fucked your gf while she went on that vacation with her friends.
What's going on in this thread?
Rate my NEEThub
Unlucky for him, she wasn't worth the trouble.
Pretty comfy desu
kawaii des
>yes i'm an ultra zoomer without a taste how did you know
Why do all japanese houses have these shitty metal shelves? I see them everywhere in anime.
I'm so sick of you fucking slavs spending money on such garbage fucking keyobards
ok not really clean
nauseating 0/10
too sterile 7/10
best so far 9/10
it's a really nice keyboard for it's money, one of the best membranes and looks good too
Get a mousepad, clean up the cables, put the pc on floor where its supposed to be and then it'll look ok
we don't know each other, I just went to college with your ex. alright. take care.
I'd show mine but you'd all call me a fag