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A south-american language family, with Southern Quechua the largest (mutually intelligible) dialect group. Also the most widely-spoken native american language (group). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Quechua
Ryan Richardson
intermediate >sie wird sauer auf dich werden, wenn du sagst nicht, was du gemacht hast. >Heute meine Mütter hat für uns gekucht, mein Vater hat abgespült und ich habe den Boden gefegt und gewischt. >Bald ist Winter und ich habe keine Kleider, um mich warmzuhalten. Ich werde an Kalt sterben
Aiden Anderson
>With all that in mind, which is the hardest language? On balance The Economist would go for Tuyuca, of the eastern Amazon. It has a sound system with simple consonants and a few nasal vowels, so is not as hard to speak as Ubykh or !Xóõ. Like Turkish, it is heavily agglutinating, so that one word, hóabãsiriga means “I do not know how to write.” Like Kwaio, it has two words for “we”, inclusive and exclusive. The noun classes (genders) in Tuyuca's language family (including close relatives) have been estimated at between 50 and 140. Some are rare, such as “bark that does not cling closely to a tree”, which can be extended to things such as baggy trousers, or wet plywood that has begun to peel apart.
>Most fascinating is a feature that would make any journalist tremble. Tuyuca requires verb-endings on statements to show how the speaker knows something. Diga ape-wi means that “the boy played soccer (I know because I saw him)”, while diga ape-hiyi means “the boy played soccer (I assume)”. English can provide such information, but for Tuyuca that is an obligatory ending on the verb. Evidential languages force speakers to think hard about how they learned what they say they know.
Dominic Hill
Damn this was a difficult achievement, but I finally got it. 15 weeks of effort. Completely pointless but satisfying.
I have to take French at my university and saying the “r”s are so hard. How do I practice baguette anons?? Can you still understand me if I don’t do your spitting sound for it??
The French "r" comes from the back of the throat and is kinda like the "ch" sound in "loch" but voiced. It doesn't have to be too strong; a typical millennial in France today won't sound like Édith Piaf when making that sound.
Adrian Green
>Ghanaian That's not an actual language...
Elijah Richardson
"Taglog" isn't a language either, that image is just bad
Jeremiah Nguyen
Jackson Kelly
Have you never been to *ahem* maRRRRRRseille, user?
Parker Reyes
No, you have to practice until you manage to spit it out. Well if it helps, you can practice by doing chewbacca exercices : do sound, then crush progressively the back of your tongue against your upper palate. Then you can sound like Edith Piaf.
Unrelated, but what was it like for you to learn English? What was hardest? Maybe knowing will help me understand something important about French
Do you think in both languages?
Cameron Brooks
basque is the best language kikes lasterketa gerra gas orain. beltza atzeratzen madarikatu judu momentua estatu islamikoa. goraipatu kek eta hil arauak, euskara gizon ona sentitzen duen hizkuntza da.
wish there was an online course for Laz. I want to learn it but alphabet and a small amount of vocab is all I can learn. I can't speak full sentences in laz. just try to stitch a group of words into a sentence with no "and" "It" "or" "of", etc. Ethnic Minorites need a language course ngl
Duolingo chose to make some meme language courses like esperanto, klingon, high valyrian instead of endangered and/or more relevant languages really baffles me
Jack Harris
Your fault thinking they're in any way related to language learning
Evan Bennett
In Gaelic the word "boireannach" meaning "woman" is masculine in gender.
Caleb Gutierrez
In russian the word for man is feminine
Benjamin Rivera
Yeah sad, If they would have Laz language course I would get the app no problem. The laz language is endangered and needs to be learnt amongst the Laz youth before it goes extinct. Sci-fi languages are for soyboy nerds.
Levi Clark
These courses exist because there are people who are willing to make them