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International #1325
5 countries you want to live in besides your own
Tfw no Russian gf
Studying in Europe
/ro/-firul nostru
Post your favourite food from your country
Amazed at how many hispanic girls on TikTok think they’re white lol
/desi/-Aryaman Roy x Stacy edition
Thoughts on Kant? just found an old book in my mothers library and i stole it, it's called Critique of Practical Reason...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + vodka
I don't get it
God let me be born in a first world country
Sverigetråden FULLT ÖS-upplagan
What is the best country in Europe for living in?
/skandi/+ /danmarktråden/ + /norgetråden/ +/sverigetråden/
Once the sea level rises, this country will be JUSTed
/fr/ - le francofil du III ème Reich EN MARCHE
This is a 9/10 in the USA
/ita/ il filo
Jai hind
In Latin America afro hair is called "pelo malo" which means bad hair
Where are immigrants from in your cunt?
America ruined the western world
Map thread
What's it like to live in an island?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
You cannot debate this
ITT we try to guess the name and occupation of the poster above us by his flag
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Some deer just walked in front of my house :)
Do chihuahueños exist in your country?
Why is everyone called user here?
What sins do you think you'd have to do to be reincarnated in either of these two countries as punishment?
Will Norway become a poor destitute shithole once the oil is gone?
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
In 2019, Poland issued 724416 residence permits, more than any other EU country
Are prominent noses a common feature in your cunt
/dixie/ + /desi/
Hey, what the fuck is up with East Asians and driving? I now know a flip who was hit and ran in Korea, and two people...
What's Malaysia like?
Is your country Roman, Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Tjejtjusarupplagan
Do you like the shaven napper?
Sverigetråden Neo-skytiska upplagan
Are all Spanish women like this?
What's it like to live here?
They really are Argentina's
British BEF? More like British BF
Thank you for creating this South-Korea, it's tasty as fuck
Solve it, Zig Forums
What are some based cat names in your cunt?
/ita/ il filo
Is it true that in the West dark skin is preferred to light skin? Why are Westerners so weird like that?
At what age do people hit the wall in your country
Curing aging must be our number 1 priority. Why arent we doing anything?I dont want my loved ones to die...
Muslim migrant from russia cuts off a french guy's head because he insulted the prophet of his arab pagan moon god
I only saw snow once in my life. How is it like, bros?
Our blood is Chinese but our hearts are INDIAN
Roasties btfo'd
/desi/-COOMER thread edition
Why do they hate each other? threads about them have arguments worse than ex-yugoslavia ones
You can’t disagree with science. That’s not how it works
I'm trying to find rare flags
/fr/ - Le francofil
They are repairing train station in my town. Pretty exciting
Is this map correct?
I don't get it
ITT: Things that scared you as a child
Want to move to the US my whole life
This is how I see the seven races of Asia
Sverigetråden - Husmanskostupplagan
Britain's national dish is a cheap copy of Indian curry
English girls are actually really cute
Needless to say, I'm not visiting Italy again
Do arabs love india?
Fridges of int
Why do Asian women feel ashamed when hapa kids are Asian looking?
/ESP/ Esp edicion
Kurva anyátok
King of Thailand, Vajiralongkorn and his Royal Concubine
Brazil vs India
ITT: We rate our countries Coat of Arms
This is the foreign cheese I eat the most
Do you love Syria?
What country was the hottest girl you've met born in?
China had 4.9% growth in Q3 y/y. How does that make you feel?
Sverigetråden - Norrköpingsupplagan
Wtf japan!?
Do people really have erect cocks under 15cm?
Change barber three times
It trickles down
Thoughts on korean women?
Catholic vs Orthodox
Why don't white parents ever discipline their children?
Did your sheeple also go from never ever wearing a mask to everyone wearing one all the time over night because mommy...
What are Muslims like in your country?
What is the most backward and underdeveloped region of Europe? I think Calabria is almost unbeatable...
Which of this countries anthem has the best stanza?
/ita/ - Il filo
/fr/ - Le fil français
Did we cuck ourselves with the modern renting culture in Western Europe?
The worldly stereotypical idea of Spanish women being a hot tempered...
People keep buying German cars in my country despite Japanese outcompeting them in reliability and being at the same...
Are you ever going to move to another country?
/deutsch/ Lener-Edition
Do you love turkey
Sverigetråden - Vidstige även känd som Aragorns upplaga
Do you love russia?
How many hours a day do people usually sleep in your cunt?
American walmart shelf stacker starting pay, $15 an hour
How to get a pasta princess gf?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What's your country's founding myth story?
Americans eat this for dinner
1) Country
Sexy polititians
I fucking LOVE nature!!!
Should countries with non Latin alphabets be civilised?
/ff/ - Le Frankop1fil
I feel like shit
Are literally all f*rst world males incels?
Holy fucking BASED
/lat/ hilo latino
1. Your Cunt
Do you think - Russia is an interesting and unique place, or is it just a shithole like some african countries, china...
Got ghosted again
Big latino cocks
What went wrong?
How do you call this people in England?
/ישר/ - /isr/
At a pool party
Drinking tea with teabags is sacrilege. No debate
/ita/ il filo
Post a pastry from your country!
Kurva anyátok
RIP my nigga
Il est européen mais il ne comprend pas le français
Have you ever met a a real scottish person, Zig Forums?
This kills the burger
What dos int smoke?
Why yes I will be listening to scientists how could you tell
Do your countrys give you the false impresson of choice in your country?
How did 9/11 change your country?
Americans be like
American English should be the dialect of instruction in foreign languages
Why are you so angry at this? At least instead of turning them to slaves they want the employes to laugh and dance...
For all I hear about Nazis murdering Europeans because they weren't German by ethnicity...
Are p*tbulls banned in your country? Unfortunately they're legal to own in my country
Fuck urban developers
Your cunt
How do I cope with living in a boring irrelevant country where absolutely nothing happens?
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
Japan, do you have feminists in your country? or is just an illness of the west?
Why do people still exist working in these countries making 1000x less money than working in the west in the least...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Oldfags of Zig Forums (>30yo)
Why do filipinos racemix like this
Before Zig Forums I was a well adjusted heterosexual male
Moonities...we did it
It's over
If I had blue eyes my life would have been totally different
Do they love eachother?
Why does gaijin chans burst into scratching own pussy when they get horny ?
Chicago has already had 650 homicides this year, a 50% increase from 2019
Come up with names British would name their towns
I wish we had common law. Civil law is basically just a long list of people we don't like...
Femanons what is your favorite country?
S-so are they basically American?
This is Japanese ice cream Häagendazs. It cost $3 for tiny cup
Your cunt
Do Europeans really use public transport? Are they too poor to afford cars?
Are they white?
Yep, im thinking it's cookie dough, pineapple and chocolate mint
Does pic related happen in your country?
Do we have the n-word pass?
Why do they have such big egos?
/fr/ francofil
What goes on here?
What does this part of the world actually produce besides oil and terrorism?
Are Australian bros the single most racist posters on this website?
It's up
IMF recently released their 2020 GDP figures for all the world's economies
Can someone explain this meme to me?
Are hunter eyes common in your country?
Do women like twinks in your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Remember to apply for the american greencard lottery
Do people in your cunt have a good sense of fashion
/ex-yu/ - najjaca ruka edicija
Is it normal for males/females in your area to date black women?
I just got a job
Why is Japanese culture to Western people so different than actual Japanese culture?
Lmao @ these countries thinking they're still relevant
I don't know I feel we Euros aren't paying enough..?
Why do they say "also" in every goddamn sentence?
Your country will NEVER do this first
Over 90% European
Gute nacht seagull
American food is disgus-
Friesland(?) Edition
When will Spanish speakers start flooding Brazil like they have to the US? Latin Americans think everything is theirs
This kills the mexicans/shitcano mod
Sverigetråden - spelarutgåvan
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Taiwan is an independent and sovereign nation and will remain so forever
Which Latinx country is your favorite?
So was he French or Italian?
What is poverty like in your country?
Why don't South-Americans remove slums? It is quite clear that they don't follow building regulations
/balt/ +/ausnz/
Post overrated cuisines
In Europe, it's easy to get a gf as all you need is a job and your own place
I am an Anglo, how does that make you feel?
There is no beer culture in his country
/fr/- Le francofil des francopains
How do people often react when you tell them what your ethnicity/nationality is?
Yuropoors will NEVES taste original Mexican food
/fr/ francofil
Sverigetråden Lobbyister-upplagan
/skandi/+ /norgetråden/ + /sverigetråden/ + /danmarktråden/ +
If starting level job is enough to sustain one person in your country it's first world and you can't suffer
When borders reopen i'm leaving bongland and never going back
What happens if I move to Brazil and hug a jaguar, treat him like a kitten?
How do Latinos feel about the complete legalization of abortion in their countries?
American tries to pronounce Latin names
What's the south american ethos?
/deutsch/ stinkt wieder nach pisse
Does your country have a alcohol problem?
Faceapp of Zig Forums
What are gypsy people like? Do you Euros hate them?
Dios mio
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Will Brazil ever amount to anything?
Would you marry a polack, Zig Forums?
Why do the Japanese have tea ceremonies? The English just drink it without any ceremony
/ita/ - il filo
What's wrong with China?
Around 25% of Germanys population is non-german. Is it the same in you country?
Why do they hate themselves so much?
Damn, Africa be like
/balk/ pvre Macedonian edition
What did your country do during WWII?
Why do African Americans hate Africans?
Trannies can never pa-
John Boyega in talks to play the roman general Marcus Antonius
Why the fuck is Islam still allowed in France ?
Why continue living
Sverigetråden - Kenny vs Spenny upplagan
Why do mexico is the only relevant country in latin america?
He has blue eyes
*approach you*
Daily reminder that centranners and southrons will get the bullet
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Be russian
How do I get a white gf as an Asian guy
Freedom of speech exists in Ameri-
Are Native Americans Asian or are they their own race?
/fr/ - le fil français
Do they hate each other or what?
Do Americans?
What do you know about brazil?
Rooms of Zig Forums
Is it difficult to get a job once you reach 30 in your country? Here, it is
Sverigetråden - >dkn ingen fv upplagan
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /이스라/ - /isr/
I am a viking. I'm not christian. I am a fiend to the christian invaders of the south, living in "Europe"...
/desi/-Kunal Kamra edition
Why do South Europeans hate cycling?
/lat/ hilo latino
I dont get it, theyre all pretty much the same, why dont they just form one nation?
I feel an odd kinship with middle easterners
I genuinely think the best food is Mexican. What country makes the best food in your opinion, Zig Forums?
What is the best state in america and why????
Who suffers more?
Be me
Anyone here abused as a child? What's the take in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
1. cunt
Brazilian history
Do you have VVITCHES in your country???
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
I love the Ottoman Empire despite being non-muslim...
United States of Europe
/flag/ fleg thread
How common is it among Russian guys to have a non-Slavic gf (Armenian, Jewish, Kazakh, Tatar etc.)?
What happens in this city apart from drugs and techno?
Why do Japs eat this?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
If Hitler was never born and allies didn't go to war against pure European racism would Europe eventually dominate over...
Would YOU kill baby hitler?
東亞 - /EAG/ - East Asia Gener
How are grills like this treated in your cunt?
/fr/ francofil
Fertility rate
Kurva anyátok
Vocab test
In the next moments millions of normalfags around the world will be having sex with most beautiful girls and...
I don't get it
Does this happen in your country
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post the rightful borders of your nation. Pic related is the rightful borders of the future state of New England
Zig Forumsernational love
Germany's hero
Aztec jaguar warrior vs Viking beserker
/Labskaus/ ehemals /deutsch/
Bodies of Zig Forums
We made it, lads!
/desi/ - do lungis really edition
/ita/ - il filo
There are Brazilian incels on this board who actually see no problem with environmental destruction
Sverigetråden FULLT ÖS-upplagan
Why is the anglosphere so bad at cooking?
Signs of a third world country:
Did you miss out on teenage love in your cunt?
What is your unrealistic pipedream, Zig Forums?
You wake up in Eastern Europe. You can choose the country where you wake up, Greece included but not Russia
I hate japanㅠㅠ
Why are german people so fucking evil? When i see german children play on the playground i think to myself "oh...
How do we save Czech women, bros?
Is it true that Americans try to change their clothes in a manner that no one is able to see their genitals?
What language do they speak?
Americans explain
I suffer in Norway. There is nothing happening here
/fr/ prööööhcofil
American snacks and Thailand beer
ITT: post your countrys rightful borders
Why are westerners so cucked compared to Eastern Euros?
I want a cute European bf to take me away from this shitty Island
/dixie/ – The Sovth + Friends
Why are americans like this?
Thank you
Sverigetråden - Nazbolgäng 1964
Women only have sex with top 20% of men
Would you rather be french or german?
Do you know anyone in your cunt who had corona?
Whites hate me
Simple as
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone des âmes perdues
Meanwhile in Europe
In Albania you can bicycle faster than the train
How are girls in terms of marriage material in your cunt? In the Netherlands, most are just fucking rotten
Entire nordic countries together only have 26,3 M
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2435
Why do they think they're latinx? they're fucking white, I don't get it
Christianity ruined scandinavia. Fuck the pope and fuck jesus. I'm a pagan
Are pale people discriminated in your cunt?
Spanish girls intimidate me, but girls from literally anywhere else are easy to talk to
1. Your country
Every respectful human being loves Russian women but what kind of women of different nationalities do Russians like?
Soon... and it'll be BASED
I wish I was a fucking Norgey
The only noteworthy content that Zig Forums ever came up with for the past 5 years is SEX SEX SEX
[spacebar] [question mark]
/tr/ - I apologize / Özür diliyorum edisyonu
Why are whites so hateful and want to see us extinct?
What happens here?
This is an average Finnish city
1. ur cunt
Whats a common name in your cunt that you hate?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /ܐܝܣܪ/ - /isr/
ITT: Zig Forums in 1950
Why are Japanese """men""" like this?
1. ur cunt
Why are non-whites so hateful and want to see us extinct?
/ita/ - il filo
What happens here?
Which way, free man?
Good morning I hate women
What are some redpills about your country?
Kurva anyátok
Say something nice about Brazil or Toguro will shoot you
Hilo antipobos
Mexican women are more attractive than mexican men
Why is there no famous food from here?
I will never forgive amerimutts for what they did to them
Did they win, bros?
This is what happens when you call the based department
Ywn live in comfy Goodsprings NV
Is nationalism the deadliest ideology humanity has ever created?
This is Joao
How do you deal with incels in your country?
"Depression" is just something firsties made up because their lives are so devoid of adversities and struggle that they...
Why are all the majority Buddhist countries so degenerate?
Do you like Argentina?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
When good people die, do they go to Japan?
Does your country encourage tipping?
I wonder how many japanese flags here are actually japanese and how many of them are just dudes stationed there or...
/조선인민공화국/ /북한/ /Best Korea/ thread
Will aquiring a loving gf change my life?
Art Deco should be standard for all skyscrapers
Europeans start talking like they can vote in our elections
What do you learn about him in your cunt?
Is it possible?
How common is it for people to cheat on their partners in your cunt? In Brazil cheating is extremely common...
Brazil's gdp was 2,6 trillion USD in 2011
The birthplace of civilisation has been reduced to... this
Post the rightful borders of your nation. Pic related are the rightful borders of New England
1. Your country
What countries are still free from the shallow, hypermaterialistic coomsomer culture that capitalism has created?
What would you do in the situation of civil war in your country?
Is there truth to the picture? I think there is...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Do they understand each other?
1. your country
Why does so many people confuse Italians and Iberians?
Is it true that Argentina (besides Quebec) is culturally the closest country to France outside of Europe...
How did Iran go from this?
Have you ever met a sex tourist?
/fr/ - le frankop1s
I suffer in the Middle East
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine