/flag/ fleg thread
im bored and i want to see people post flags
/flag/ fleg thread
im bored and i want to see people post flags
I'll start
Anatolian Federation Flag. A fictional Federation of 3 nations, Turkish Fascist Republic, Lazistan, and The Turkish Republic of the Caucases.
3 major ethnic groups are Turks, Azeris, and Laz.
T h e r e s t h a v e b e e n c l e a n s e d b e c a u s e o f n o n a r y a n g e n e t i c s
flag of alabama in the year 2050
Kek Alabama already is
hey i think this would make for a good general
talking about flags
laz flag pic unrelated btw
hello is this /extraflags/?
it can be
i don't fucking know
pic unrelated
Well, what flag do you want to start with to talk about? The Anatolian flag? The Ancap jewish-isis-communist flag?
the flag of provo
imagine tfw the people designed this flag
>Provo 1989
we need a fleg
>how about we start off with white
go on
>then we get a ((gay))dient
what the fuck johnson are you fucking high
>then we ad the word provo, so they dont confuse it with other city flags
johnson what the fuck
>then we a a drop shadow to the word provo
fuck you johnson you faggot
i wanna fuck this couch
what does this have to do with flags? you horny ass
Y'all niggas stole our general
Why the gay flag part though? Were these guys the pioneers of Corporate gay pride month?
its the rainbow gradient
i wanna fuck this asian
this is the /flag/ you chose, this is the future
one of the proposed flags for brazil
another one
nice flags, make me want to go to brazil
yeah, that sounds great
how about, hear me out, we make a plugin where you can get an extra pair of flags next to your national flag
so like your state flag would appear as well to people who also have the extension. it would be cool I thinkj
i just don't know what we would call it. 'more flags'? 'new flags'?
damn that sounds bretty good, you know
>i just don't know what we would call it. 'more flags'? 'new flags'?
hear me out
how about extraflags? huh, what do you think?
no that sounds fucking awful lmao no offense but dawg holy shit no one would take it seriously with a name like that
This desu
Potential flags of spain
I can't stop reading these as 'newfags' or 'extra fags' lmao
>pic unrelated
Hello yes I like women.
O que é esse barrete? lol
Looks like a barretina lol