I feel like shit

I feel like shit.
The mandatory conscription increased from 9 months to 12.
I didnt go to the army previously when i had to do only 9 months, but now i delayed it, the law changed it and i will do one fucking year.
My career is over. I am 23 i am losing a vitar year.
So long friends.

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>mandatory conscription
you can just tell it's easy to dodge the draft in gayreece but since op is a retard he's gonna waste a year of his life on this

>being forced to work minimum wage job for an entire year

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Is there a draft in Greece?
Which country do you plan to fight?

they plan to defend from the turks.

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Χωρίς ειρωνεία, πάρε τρελοχαρτο

Imagine all the hot anal sex you'll receive, it's not all that bad la

Its not though. Literally nobody dodges its not a thing here. We are not third world like russia. Best case you get a position in a big city and you do desk job.
>Minimum wage
We earn 8 euros a month. Its nothing. We do it for virtually free.

Yeah it is easy but op is a cuck

Army time is fun, why feel sorry about it?



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Pack your shit and move to another EU cunt.
Don't come here, though. We're full.

Is he an identitarian or a migrant?

we have to serve 18 months you faggot
just do it

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>you get a position in a big city and you do desk job
nice army you got there, I'll let erdogan know of your desk job tactics

You will regret not doing when you are older user I'm sure you will enjoy it

How are you fighting Turks when you're both in NATO?

Mirin those jaws

The army is an institution and all sorts of jobs are needed, not just combat roles

Not for long.

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can you really not dodge it in greece? luckily im a schizo so i didnt have to go

Here its 32 months, They didn't take me due to autism but one year can't be that bad

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>implying a russian would know anything besides being beaten and pissed on in the showers

>We earn 8 euros a month. Its nothing. We do it for virtually free.
im sorry for laughing i hope everything goes well

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Tell a doctor "if i'm given a gun i will kill everyone and myself", see if they want you in the army.

They will probably want him in a mental asylum

Good way to get yourself thrown in a ward, and they could also just throw him in some shitty base and make him clean it for the rest of his service.

>8 euros
That's harsh. I got around 65 euros per day as a simple soldier

Nope, he'd be dismissed on the spot

Its very difficult you have to have real mental problems and still you have to go for a short period. Also that paper which indicates you are mentally unwell screws you in the rest of your life. Nobody will take you for work.

Do you not have to show some sort of documentation from a psychiatrist to prove you're actually mentally unwell in greece? Here unless you have actual problems with proof of them no army psychologist will take you seriously

Yes yo do. You have to show a paper from a psychiatrist.

>Also that paper which indicates you are mentally unwell screws you in the rest of your life.

lol this guy lives in 1955