Impending doom edition
i took that photo
too much content today
found a new naughty word we can say without getting banned lads teehee x
Fack off
I'm in that photo
sipping a negus
Future you is looking at you through memories
They went and locked him up for EDD fraud. Facing 22 years. That's some BULLSHIT
just had a wank
Could be very handsome if he lost weight and got a haircut.
Woman on the radio said "Ireland has a complex history". I said "no it doesn't". That shut her up lads
The Sherborne Stinker is live de lads
laughing shoes
is for me??
very new labour era this
*poos in my hand then slaps you with it*
found a spot in minecraft that has no exaggeration MILLIONS of red flowers as far as the eye can see. it's like a bloody memorial to the somme or some shite.
Eddie hearn is a Tarq Deano
need a good negging
Deserves a beer after his dreadful start to the day, a whole bokkle of milk wasted.
The British fascist bourgeoisie responsible for lockdown have blood on their hands. Thousands more will die from missed cancer operations than "coronavirus".
Britain is in dire need of socialism and civil war to end the present tyrannical parasitic vermin ruling us British workers.
Death to fascism, freedom to the people.
also booba
>also booba
no he's essex man
this was established ages ago
they are simliar but not deano.
ordered some hair gel and multivitamins on amazon
Brando was extremely competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando shouting and Newman walking away. Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to an egg eating contest, like the one Newman was depicted doing in Cool Hand Luke, however Newman ignored the challenge.
Brando, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Newman. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the eggs saying things like "21 Newman! 21 eggs already! I'm better than you Newman!", while mocking and insulting Newman the whole time, and calling him a "phony".
Eventually, Brando consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 eggs Newman! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 eggs because you're a phony, Newman. I'm better than you, and always will be Newman! Don't ever forget that!"
Getting a virgin manlet vibe from this post
The new Borat will be even less funny than this
dosghit show had them lose the highlights forever. Putting the highlights on at 7PM in the evening on saturday bloody mongs.
were paul newman and marlon brando british
imagine his farts the next day
just ggogled essex man and realized it's a real thing kek
I can't believe he's doing Borat 2. Never thought he'd get so desperate go back and do old rehash shit again.
Envisage the scents emanating from his bathroom upon the morrow
*weird nasally female voice*
still does it for me
Teetotaller here. I want nothing to do with negus.
*wets me finger and sticks it right up yer bum*
get some negus down your throat NOW
Even my normally panicking and elderly nan is now beginning to question the lockdown policies. At this point if you're pro lockdown you're either a Mengele tier sociopath who should be put out of his misery or utterly cowed into submission by the ruling class.
total90 for me forever and ever
based alert
get mogged nerds
Sauce now pls
France used Islamist terrorists to destroy green socialist Libya and it tried the same in Syria along with Britain and the USA.
sad it took many deaths for the french cucks to get a hold on this. but yeh good fuck islam. needs eradicating asap.
do they still do yellow balls in the winter? haven't noticed
Come home white man
the kinoball
he will probably just end up fucking with 'far right' groups and leave the jihadis alone.
literally who cares about those shitholes
just keep them out of our countries
>how do you want your world cup ruined senpai?
Now this, this is based
Fuck Nazis
Joga Bonito
Ill nigga alert! Ill nigga alert!
>insistently and awkwardly repeating something stupid is funny XD
>ban radical groups
So just a blanket ban on Islam then, since it's unquestionably a radical group.
Yes lad
Still got the gold 2002 ball somewhere
Reminder lads positive attitude is all you need
More empty gestures I suspect. More money for useless deradicalisation programmes, more useless surveillance, more funding for a police state that doesn't do anything to prevent terror attacks. Unless they're packing them onto planes back to Pakistan I don't want to know.
That one was nice.
In de oven
about do inject this. what am I in for?
Noticed loads of girls doing BOTH Onlyfans and Findom
Feels weird.
Trump dancing actually made me LOL
Wonder if he would do this the day before he had an bumsex session with Richard Pryor
eating some fishened chips
janny just submitted a ban request because I said sacha cohen is a greedy fucking kike
chilean sea bass?
don't think she's big* enough to have a soc. media manager
* meaning popular not having succulent breasts
why do they sell beers in 10 packs
that is not enough
>Milky white suspension
chile and sea bass*