why continue living
Why continue living
Just shave it bro
Dont, suicide bag is just one trip to walmart away.
Why do you need hair?
You live in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and plastic surgery capital of the world. You can fix this if you really want to.
I have psoriatic crown
there's worse things than balding you fucking faggot
because for $10k you can fix it. if you're not working retail, it's easy enough to attain that after saving for a few years.
>there's worse things than balding you fucking faggot
>why continue living
finasteride will most likely stop your hair loss for some time
you can use rogaine too but i would recommend only using it in conjunction with finasteride
these are temporary solutions. just save the $10k and get surgery and you don't have to worry about fucking with your hormones.
you gonna have to compensate for it but that’s okay because that only means you’ll be better
compensate for it, then get the surgery so you'll be better and still have a full head of hair
I’ve slowed down my hair loss slightly just by using ketoconazole and dermarolling. I plan on getting on finasteride and minoxidil but I’m having a hard time getting my doctor to prescribe it.
Shave your head and grow a beard
baldcel cope
>hair came out in clumps after a period of great stress
>didn't grow back
It has receeded but I haven't noticed it go back further in the past few years. I'm fucked but hopefully I'll keep my hair for longer.
Don't grow a beard, go for the wasteland fanatic look.
>finasteride will most likely stop your hair loss for some time
and your make your dick stop working too
only like 1% of people get side effects that affect your libido
embrace the soy
I might make it to 40 without any signs of balding.
and how does that have any negative effect on your life?
For some people the only thing they want is to just get up in the morning, look in the mirror and actually feel good about being the person they see.
Houses, cars, nice clothes, the job they do, relationships, those things mean nothing, the first and most important thing is to be capable of enjoying life as who you are.
>just save the $10k and get surgery and you don't have to worry about fucking with your hormones.
the majority of good hair transplant surgeons will only perform surgery if you take finasteride
Loss of confidence
Save money and get a hair transplant
>and your make your dick stop working too
i masturbate daily
dick still works
How old are you? I thought that until I turned 26 and it’s been rapidly downhill since.
Enjoy looking like a soy boi, no beards guys, go for Saitama look
just wear a wig
females use make up I see nothing wrong
why dont you go to a dermatologist and start treatment?