Why don't white parents ever discipline their children?
I got my ass beat so many times as a kid I lost count.
As a white child, has either, or both of your parents, ever disciplined you?
Why don't white parents ever discipline their children?
I got my ass beat so many times as a kid I lost count.
As a white child, has either, or both of your parents, ever disciplined you?
because it's illegal and they can take the child away from you (thanks to leftists)
We are civilised
my parents beat me alot also i got into fist fights with my dad and im white
I'm the whitest white boy and I got disciplined by being spanked and slapped by my fathers back hand on rare ocasions. So rare I can count them with my fingers. I intend to do so with mine
I got a few well-timed slaps, but nothing more.
I've never been spanked.
I think the Germans and others spank. They're strict people.
My father beat me for ridiculous shit like dropping a glass by accident or something. It hasn't made me tough at all. It has just made me terrified of failure in an unhealthy way.
My mom would spank me with a belt. The size of the buckle would correspond with the severity of my transgression. My dad was as asshole but never beat me because he was severly beaten by his father.
I can garentee that it gets the point accross. But it should be used as a last resort. I don't want people to beat them kids senseless, but damn sometimes nothing else works.
They never hit me but my mother was psychotic which scared me into not doing anything that bothered her
I got my ass whipped with a belt several times when i was doing stupid things
I would like to know what is the difference between discipline and beating your child? Is it the frequency? How hard you go? Should it only be done by hand or with ''tools''? What are you opinions/experiences anons?
I got switched so much as a kid I'd get marks/lacerations on my body.
My mom was psychotic as fuck when my dad isn't around. She'd choke me against a wall and I'd think I was close to death. It's worse than any beating with tools. She mellowed the fuck out after I got to about 10 where I was old enough to beat her ass.
I got disciplined by my parents saying they're disappointed and would revoke some rights I had. Disappointing your parents hurts more than having them beat you desu
My dad only hit me a couple of times but when I have sons I will beat the shit out of them just so white people don't get a bad name.
I never got beat, just yelled at and rage taken out on me all the time. Over a lifetime that’s probably more damaging than just getting beat.
I think beating is a tool that discipline can make use of, and makes more sense than political correctness would like to construe, but is largely aside from the concept itself.
Discipline is rather about being inculcated with important values when you're young, which does not happen in the more modern West.
I completely disagree with my parents in every way about how they see the world even though I was conventionally disciplined like others in this thread (occasionally).
The majority of modern western people would like to say that's a sign of a good liberal parenting but instead indicates a failure in my opinion. It also shows lack of discipline.
You shouldn't beat your kids but your kids should fear getting beat if they do something really bad.
I agree but how would they fear getting beat if it’s never happened before?
Hire an actor as your eldest child and pretend to beat him to death
why do non-white people make children
>I got my ass beat so many times as a kid I lost count.
See this is why whites are civilised, while niggers are fatherless, jobless and kill each other every 10 seconds
Oh no (You) yet little snowflake that never got spanked?
poor people make children to make "money"
Yes. My stepdad named his belt that he used to beat me with "Larry the leather".
He also used to "clip me around the ears", which is a single open-palm whack to the side of the head.
Mum used to use the hearthbrush or kettle cable.
I already knew it was going to be a leaf when I saw this post. But yeah it's true every Indian, paki and Asian guys I know always had stories about how their parents beat the shit out of them because they got below a 90% on a test. I guess the pros are that it devolped discipline and most guys got into top uni programs. But they all missed out on social events
>Social events
And we're all socially awkward around other people
>when German beat their children so often that even their folk music is called "schläger" or something similar
>rubber pipe hose
>leather belts
>gate chains (pic related)
These are some of the things I've been beaten with growing up