Do arabs love india?

do arabs love india?

Attached: 404ED95D-3C43-4D8C-B178-430F231171CC.jpg (639x480, 29.91K)

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Yes every brown person is my brother

Their govt seem to, as we buy a lot of oil from them; don't think the people do

Noooo bladdy khaleejis are traitors to muslims for supporting hitler modi

Governments are okay, but arabs themselves might hate us. Never had a good interaction with one online. They have this weird superiority complex over us.

Arabs hate indians and are racist to them. But I guess the poorer arabs are ok, iraqis and stuff are cool.

I mostly see that from lebs or gulf arabs.

MENA will be a province of India soon inshallah

but they look just like you guys

Only saudis and lebanese hate indians but they're the most narcissistic arabs

People who look most alike usually hate each other. Look at pakistani/indian relations, the balkans and persian/arab/turk relations

Lebs aren’t technically Arab they’re phonencian

Yeah I know. I generally like arabs, except lebanese. I don't even mind saudis actually, but I guess the ones that I met were just ok.

Theyre cool. Obviously because we import them by the million for cheap work they get discriminated by which is unfortunate, but other than that theyre good and people have generally good views on them. They dont cause much trouble even though they make up most of the country. Thank you indian bros for introducing us to paratha sandwiches and karak tea or as you guys call it there masala chai

They're more arab than nafris technically

What's wrong with the Lebanese? The ones I've known personally aren't that bad.


Lmao, the lebos in australia are a whole different breed of “people”, my (arab) friend who studied there hated them to the core

I don't know about lov but they NEED India especially their workers

they don't look alike. arabs and a lot of persians just look like south asian that are lighter. turks look like balkan and aren't really in the same group as arabs and persians

I dislike them because they think they're white and act superior to other brown people.

Gulf Arabs look like Indians

No mehmet you're not balkan

>Hohmagod habibi
Literally and unironically. Cant fucking stand lebs

You're confusing them with the labourers or you're blind.


This, from what I see Nafris like Indians.

From what I have seen on internet they we wuz as Byzantine empire and shit on Muslim Egyptian for larping as pharaohs.They hate Arabs more than anyone even though many Maronites are Arab themselves.

I've watched this video. It's kinda sad these central asian or arabian girls with bollywood dreams get pushed into flesh trade. You need to suck at least hundred dicks to get casted, this was the case for SRK as well. Everyone knows he slept with producers for roles during the early stages of his career, he's also best friends with the producer who runs Bollywood, who is openly gay.

A lot of Turks do look Arab.

Attached: demirci-krasniqi.jpg (600x299, 42.59K)

Casting couch is a thing in alk movie industries retard. SRGay enjoyed taking it up the ass because he's still butt buddies with Karan Johar.

>I generally like arabs, except lebanese.
So you like Arabs except for the ones that live in your country? How typical

Some Indian Muslims in UAE were denied leave by their Indian boss because their reasons were fraudulent so they beat him up and accused him of abusing the prophet and uae king. He got 14 year jail term . 1 year complete.
