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What did your country do during WWII?
Benjamin Turner
Logan Garcia
We were the only country at war with Italy and Germany from start to finish, and at war with Japan for the 2nd longest amount of tie after China.
We won the battles of the Atlantic and Britain thus ensuring we couldn't be knocked out, standing alone for democracy for more than a year.
We won the battle for North Africa, thus denying Axis oil and forcing them to push for the Caucuses.
We housed the exiled governments of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway among others.
We fought a long campaign thought the south west pacific against Japan, holding them off in the Burma road.
You're welcome world :)
Kayden Miller
Based England
Adam Kelly
>You're welcome world :)
But you did a bad thing
Brody Smith
Manifest destiny, but indians win
Colton Brown
We supplied meat, wool, and leather to the UK and America
Jeremiah Smith
The jews bidding is what we did.
Connor Cox
Connor Bell
>you're welcome
Yes thank you, because the west turned out so great, especially Britain right? :/
Adam Kelly
It was a poor decision desu
you pissed away empire to kill some germans
Julian Anderson
Hi Russia ;)
Nolan Baker
all done in reality by Indian soldiers
Chase Robinson
>implying it wasn't worth it
Andrew Davis
really bad stuff
Julian Jenkins
the only thing wrong with the zoomer is not bulking up enough
Christopher Reyes
Should be a boi in the poster
Dominic Mitchell
Mason Smith
Do you know what this means in english or are you just saying fuck you all
Connor Rivera
a bit of this
a bit of that
Adam Young
we won
Connor Walker
First we put up a good fight against the bad guys but pussied out when the going got rough.
Then we sided with the real bad guys to kick the first bad guys when they were down like a bunch of losers and lost anyway, and then let the Soviets push us around for the next 50 years.
Could have been a lot more glorious. Finland wasn't as bad as the rest of the Axis but we still came out of it a lot better than we should have.
We weren't as good as people claim but we were easily the most lucky nation in the war.
Bentley Sanders
we did nothing wrong
Jack Campbell
no in English fuck all means nothing
Jordan Gutierrez
We played a decisive role in the victory over Nazis and naturally ended up sitting at the winner's table.
Simple as.
Christopher Taylor
also bombed the French and invaded lceland for a laugh
Grayson Fisher
We were without a doubt the most important country of the conflict, on the Western Front
We tried to save Belgium and Netherlands at the risk of getting encircled, which eventually happened.
We saved the biggest & most important part of the British Army at Dunkerque with the very price of our lives and honor. Even after that, Weygand tried to fight back until the inevitable happened.
We managed to keep our Empire intact (biggest mistake Germany did). After the Armistice, the Empire divided in two, one being Neutral (therefore not being an ennemy of the British) & the other half fully intact, full of troops ready to join the exile resistance government
We won the most anti-climatic battle in the History of the Western Front, in Africa, The Battle of Bir-Hakeim, against both Germany & Italy outnumbered by 10. This will later proves the ability of France to come to the next point
We managed to 4D chess the whole war, making the Vichy part of the Empire switch sides (Opération Torch) as Darlan, head of the Empire was already negociating "without" Pétain conscent (which later was proved during his trial he did conscent) with FDR & Churchill before the opération a way to rally the other part of the Empire, so we didn't even put up a fight. As a result, full of butthurt, Germany invaded the Free Zone.
We managed to liberate Southern France during the Provence Landings, alongside USA & UK.
We liberated our own Capital because the allies didn't want to, focusing on Germany.
We took part in the 1945 Rhine invasion. which would settle Germany for good.
You're welcome world :)
Angel Lee
My country was created during the war
Evan Reed
By 'we' you mean British colonies. Churchill was probably as bad as any other egit that time.
Easton Foster
whats the difference
Evan Flores
Entered the same year as the slavs but are always told we entered when it was over. It was on the slavs doorstep whereas we had to cross oceans. Carried the Pacific
Luke White
Yeah i know but russia did do stuff and its weird for a russian not to say they won the war on their own
Juan Ross
>we lose everything in Trianon
>Depression ruins economy
>Hitler show up and say join us and you get clay
>also do everything we say or we'll invite Cr*atians and R*manians to occupy you
>fuck no anything but that
>jawohl, mein Fuhrer
>get piece of Ukraine and Yugoslavia for giving R*manians piece of Transylvania
>200k guy freeze to death invading Russia
>Germs unhappy that Horthy isn't deporting Jews fast enough
>they arrest him and put Arrow Cross in charge
>Arrow Cross go around in colossal pogrom slaughtering every Jew they can find like in Rwanda massacre
>Russkies show up and occupy Hungary
>forced to become commie for next 45 years