Do they hate each other or what?
Do they hate each other or what?
Didn't Libya killed or expelled all of the Italians living there ?
I only met one Lybian. He was the son of a politician who fled to Italy in 2011 during the civil war. For some reason he actually drove a stolen BMW from Sicily to Malta, he was arrested for that for a couple of months
I hate all north Africans
Gaddafi was alright tho and they made some funny modifications to the military vehicles we gave them
>For some reason he actually drove a stolen BMW from Sicily to Malta
Bro Malta is an island, I feel like you're lying.
how did he drive across the sea?
there are ferries everywhere...there's even an article about the arrest lol
anyways he was retarded as fuck and I honestly have no idea why he did that considering that he was an average middle class and certainly didn't have economic difficulties
Never heard of ferrys?
I don't
did he go against the Zionists and NWO?
Do people ferry their cars?
Did he try to go back to Libya and sell the BMW ? Lmao
gaddafi expelled the last italians in lybia
>I hate all north Africans
Why? Is it because they browned you?
Why is that?
no it's because they're savages
Libya shot down this Italian airliner in the 1990s
Malta is an extension of Sicily. It's full of brown shatters and you can bet your ass they bring their stolen Mercedes/BMW with them.
why should i?
literally killed by french pilots
>says the Libyans
my grandparents ran a tobacconist's in Tripoli, they didn't hate libyans but only Gaddafi
their loss lmao, considering that the Italians in libya have always contributed to making their "country" better
*Free them from the Ottoman yoke
You were the jews of Libya
Being under a worthless shithole like Italy is a fate no one deserves
didn't you literally put them in concentration camps?
Seeth some more, we literally created and expanded the borders of that country
Not really and not undeserved, there was some rebellions and since the rebels killed italian civilians punishment should be a must
But after that Lybians in general didn't betray us during WW2
Can't wait for Italian concentration camps
>Not really
Ilan Pappé estimates that between 1928 and 1932 the Italian military "killed half the Bedouin population (directly or through disease and starvation in camps)."
>"...during the various military campaigns between the Allies and Axis in North Africa between 1940 and 1942, Churchill himself complained in his memoris (Winston Churchill, The Second World War, London, 1952) that he had no support from Libyan Arabs and Berbers."
Imagine if Mussolini wasn't a retard who joined the war
Italy would be very wealthy from that oil.
>t. got BTFO by fucking Greece
I love it when Italians talk like they're hot shit
Dont remind me of that pls it hurts
Yes, it was during the Reconquest of Lybia. It was necessary to finally suppress the rebels that had some support by the Bedouins population. Since Bedouins are a nomadic population and not bound to Lybia I don't see the problem
So? It happened in the past why should I be livid about it like you?
Unironically VGH, imagine if italy revived carthage and Cyrenaica, the fucking irony
The trouble with north africa is that it is full of north africans.