Once the sea level rises, this country will be JUSTed

Once the sea level rises, this country will be JUSTed.

Attached: uruguay.jpg (1200x1267, 187.62K)

lets laugh at them

ha ha

>he believes it

50% of country is 1.5 million people
Less than Barcelona

pretty gay

Once the immigration level rises, this country will be JUSTed.

Attached: file.png (423x350, 373.06K)

Europe JUSTed in 1789


Vietnam is gonna get JUSTed much more

Still waiting

nah, Montevideo is a shithole.Uruguay would be extremely comfy without them


They need space to raise cattle.

The Helsinki of South Americaca.


t. Guarani Guacho uru/para-mutt who lives in the countryside and grills sausages and carne asada flank steaks on sheep's dung

Oddly knowleadgeable lol

shut up swarthy moor.

Based. Too many cocky rural retards on this board who think people can't see past the fake mystique of their shit boring lives.

You will never be white, John Tyrone LeShaun Rodríguez Smith de Maradona.

>once the sea level rises
still waiting...

>Americans Americaning

look, monkeys fighting

>t. Analbanian Turk rape baby.

yes :)

What cunt is it?

any year now...

Isn't the rest of the country a bunch of farms?

user, I...

>it has to happen suddenly and quickly, otherwise it does not exist! I can't see it so it's nothing!!!1!1!1!111!!
Typical Weimerican mentality right here.

The urban population is quite high (+85%), but most cities are small