Why do people still exist working in these countries making 1000x less money than working in the west in the least intellectually demanding professions such as a driver or utility worker?
literally blows my mind.
People poorer than mexicans staying in their borders with an easier transition than mexicans and latin americans in the usa and we have 50+ million latin americans and 30 million mexicans which are 1/3rd of mexicos population but Europe has barely 2 millionish eastern europeans.
Why do people still exist working in these countries making 1000x less money than working in the west in the least...
I wonder that too
Just immigrate lol, you literally share a border with rich countrjes
I probably live better than you lol
No you don’t yuroppo
>I probably live better than you lol
what's your salary?
I don't think most of those countries are poorer than Mexico.
Money isn't everything. I'll take working minimum wage in Greece than a higher paying job in Northern Europe. There's a reason people come here for holidays and it's not just the pretty hotels.
Like 20-30% of balts and poles live abroad. I think the number isnt that high when it comes to mexicans
Eastern europe isn't as poor as mexico. There's no absolute poverty in eastern like in mexico. You can live relatively comfy life there
USA has 3 millon greks, germany has 500k greks.
pretty sure only old people stay in greece living off rent and tourism
It's the pretty hotels and the muh nice beaches you greedy h*tel owner
Ukraine, Moldova and """"""Macedonia"""""" are poorer than mexico
Diasporas are not human
Most of these "Greeks" prefer English or whatever over Greek and I doubt many of them speak Greek fluently
The Greeks in the US came at a time of war and strife. Furthermore, those statistics also count children born in the US from Greek parents etc. etc. It's relatively skewed.
The US is a shithole compared to Greece. As I said, money isn't everything. Healthcare, nice climate, beautiful place. And I don't run the risk of getting killed by some drunk schizo at the gas station.
>the US is a shithole compared to Greece
t. velopoulos voter
I meant eastern european countries which are in the EU. You can't move to western europe from those countries doing some low skilled jobs
t. NEET incel that only cares about money.
>Eastern europe isn't as poor as mexico
Eastern Europe are poorer than Mexico.
If I were born in Easten Europe I would gather what capital and creditions I can and then either walk to western europe or truck my way there.
Nigga even serbia is richer than mexico can you even read your own pic?
I think the issue here is the definition of Eastern Europe. They're thinking Russia and Caucasus more, while you're thinking Poland and Czechia and whatnot.
Being in the EU already makes you rich
greece....... is depressing
It is not but what can a new worlder know
We have millions of poles, russians and ex yugos here I don’t know what you talking about
serbia is slightly wealther in median wealth than mexico.
Serbia/Minimum wage
343.49 EUR per month
Germany/Minimum wage
1,584.00 EUR per month
Serbians working minimum wage could make 4.6x more income just walking a couple miles north.
41,000 Serbian Dinar =
410 US Dollar
A person working as a Truck Driver in Serbia typically earns around 41,000 RSD per month.
truck driver serbia makes 348.34 Euro a month
The average heavy truck driver salary in Germany is 39.753 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 19 €.
which is 3,312.75€ a month
truck driver in Germany makes 9.5x more income than truck driver in serbia.
by polish standards, it is disneyland i assume.-
Now adjust for cost of living and taxes ;)
For one, you can’t always just up and go to another country. For another, maybe they’re still comfy in their countries. Yeah, we make more money over here but it’s fucking boring isn’t it?
the suburban way of life is very pitiful.-
I don’t live in a suburb.
Nigga you just said
>Eastern Europe are poorer than Mexico.
And serbians can't move to germany working as a truck driver anyway
Salary =/= purchasing power
In some parts of the US people barely survive with 400K a year.
Yeah but even if you only earn 350€ as a truck driver in Serbia you can afford more then if you would live in Germany. Everyone owns a house in Serbia, in Germany you wouldn’t be able to afford that as a truck driver. Most times People work for a limited time in Germany to earn enough money and then go back to serbia or whatever country they came from and build a big house for their family.
north american city life is also very sad outside of new york city and maybe miami beach.-
so tldr
>just run away from your country!!
as expected of a descendant of greedy losers that put money before their home.
only respectable ones are the irish and blacks in america for running away from famine/forced, the rest are just fags
>In some parts of the US people barely survive with 400K a year.
That’s bs. There is nowhere in the US that a single person can’t live okay with a quarter of that.
pretty much
the global champion of isolation and depression and irrelevance, nothing worth noting has happened since assassination of olof palme and abba, no landmarks other than ramlosa facotry
I live in New York City
Look everyone. Retards!
explains why you are a consumerist whore go take a hiv load for the natty dollars u filth
What did vikings do when their land was a wasteland?
Move to greener pastures.
Why do North Koreans starve to death if they can move to South Korea and earn a good living?
They get killed if they defect or are heavily propagandized to be loyal and don't look at the facts of their economical interests.
>literally blows my mind
And what a small mind it is
>2 million
Bruh even Bosnia has 3 million people living in it
>making 1000x less money
dude it's actually 1,000,000,000%
why do Americans buy insurance instead of going to Canada and getting treatment for free?
literally blows my mind
They conquered it like the initial Englishmen and Spaniards etc in the new world, but the amount of people descendant from them are less than 1%, you're family and everyones else is most likely originating from the 1800's when there was barely any wars and they saw the homestead act give free land and they fucked off and left their birthplace.
"Syrians" of the 1800s.
You can't do that I think, it's illegal if you're not a citzen
,>They conquered it
And before conquest they immigrated to Roman lands
>That’s bs.
It must be true. I saw it in the news.
Which you soon won't have money to pay for
And how do you know I’m a “consumerist whore”? You sure you’re not projecting?
Meme tier information and education.