Which one is superior? No meme answer pls.
Catholic vs Orthodox
What do you mean by orthodox? They're not unified like catholics
>inb4 epic 15 y/o tradcath larpers come out to tell me how much of degenerate I am
have sex incel freaks
They’re 2 sides of the same coin so I don’t think any is superior.
FWIW you’ll probably get better answers if you go to /lit/. Just ask for book recs about the schism and which one is better.
t. Roman Catholic
>Papal supremacy
>Doctrines keep changing
>Pope is a commie
>Just took advantage of Western colonialism to spread and get rich
>Original Christianity
>Very little change
>Has patriarchs (like in ancient Christianity) so all power is not held by one infallible man.
>Suffered under persecution of Muslims and Commies for hundreds of years for Christian faith, but survived
Its west rome versus east rome
It has nothing to do with religion its all this retards fault
>>Pope is a commie
>Bowing down to Xi Jumping and letting him rewrite the Bible, and appoint communist Bishops
Yeah. People is literally an antichrist
*Pope not people
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the Orthodoxy, is in fact, the Orthodox Catholic Church, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Original Catholicism. Orthodoxy is not a branch of Christianity unto itself, but the original and continuous way the faith was meant to be experienced.
jesus was a communist ;^)
I...Is japananon orthodox now?
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
There is no debate, research early church history, the filioque, pachamama, Orthodox Saints and grace.
God is good and the fullness of the faith is in the Orthodox Church.
I highly HIGHLY advise going to an Eastern Orthodox Church, whether OCA or ROCOR or whatever local region and speaking to the local priest, he will point you in the right direction.
Do not listen to Catholics, Protestants aren’t the ones who ruined Christianity, they did. if you want to remove a weed you pull out the root not chop the leaves. Catholics splitting from the true Church are the reason why Protestants exist.
Catholic heresy is poison
Pic related is the first book my local priest told me to read and I can’t recommend it enough for inquirers
God bless you Japanon.
I hope you are doing lots of missionary work friend! There is still a ways to go for Orthodoxy in Japan
>have sex incel freaks
Nice twitter buzzwords
it's never gonna feel like a real vagina bro
japan win 2 place in 2009 in election.imagine he can be new russian patriarch
Orthodox is superior
Roman catholics.
ever since I started wearing the cross, I've been drowning in pusy
bitches love jesus
most definitely getting more sex than you, gayboy
Typical catholic
I heard that Japan has its own autonomous church.
How true is that?
wiki says japan has 10k members of orthodox church of japan
The original teaching-Judaism
>That mustache
He got some drip ngl