This is how I see the seven races of Asia.
This is how I see the seven races of Asia
how are people for kazakhstan and yemen the same race?
People in mainland SEA are closer to Chinese than Pinoys
Arabs and Turks share a lot of blood from the four great caliphates.
It's difficult to boil Kazakhstan down to one thing given their oriental blood, their white blood, etc so it just seemed wisest to put them in with their Turkic ancestors.
why are they so much browner then?
Persian gene
no, not at all
Kazakhs and Yemenis are similar?
This is wrong, and the lines along which you’re grouping countries using the term race in this context is completely arbitrary. Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, Dinaric are races. “Indian” is not.
They have Chinese, india and Tibetan ancestry
Russia has many ethnicities
>oriental (white)
what did you mean by this?
This is all you need to know
Orientals is a term for Turk, Caucasian and Persian
>Vietnameses, Cambodians, Philipinos are from the same race
we are very different, dude
if you want you could group us, Thais, Southern Chineses and maybe Laos together
just seem a lot paler desu
pinoys are actually blue-red mutts
I've genuinely seen some SEAsians that genuinely look like monkeys like the guy in the pic.
Quite disturbing desu.
and who claim to be pink
massive larp
looks like hapa
that's the average malay mr widodo
Kelantanese Malay dad, Chiang Mai Thai mum
>Semitic turks
Please end yourself
Mamma mia quiero tener el sexo
if you think that look even remotely white then filipino should be considered to be mega-nordic considering they have the most austronesian blood
No, it doesn't make sense.
Learn a scientifically proven racial classification.
if they can pass as a local in your country then you're the same race. simple as.
>slav scum
dopey paki
Turkic =/= Turkish
Also, Yemen and the gulfies are still different from central Asia as a whole.
Oriental here means East of India which includes SEA/EA. I think its the same in Britain. Far East and Orient are interchangeable.
Exclude russia, russia is different continent, the third civilization
And brown hooknosed shitalians can effortlessly pass as indians or arabs so what are you?
Whiter than you, potato nigger
Anglo ruined the term "Oriental"
stupid oriental half mongol scum, irish pople are the whitest in the world
That said, ethiopia being its own tinge of brown is a nice and valid little thing
Problems? The continent-wide country named after the title nation, all me, and what about you, fucking greece-phoenican cum drinker?
Hundreds of caricatures on your defective kin says otherwise, drunk spelean half macaque goblin, and no, I'm ethnic russian, so I'm definitely whiter than you