Memedemic edition
What do you think caused the fall of the Roman Empire?
Good evening
I hate women
hard times create great men
great men create great times
great times create weak men
weak men create hard times
In a word, Jews.
The refusal to accept new technology
unironically christianity
pretty much all the major lagers taste the same.. no idea why people are so tribal about this industrialised beer
bugman shit
>pretend that you've signed in with the app
>they can't prove you've done it without having to physically check your phone by looking over your shoulder, rendering the whole social distancing pointless
>put a fake name and number on the paper
>they can't prove you've done it right without having to sift through umpteen dozen papers that they then still can't prove you faked as they don't know which ones yours and which ones are real or not
This whole system has been a massive bloody joke.
wish there would be some action in my life
Degeneracy. More directly though, the visigoths
Usury? I agree.
bit mental how women are out of commission 7 days out of a month
caeser left the oven on innit
He's become quite the fat bastard recently. Last record had its moments, to be fair.
*gets in there*
this kid on the cube is a fucking bellend
playing the blame game
doesn't work
been debunked
this man is clearly just a weakminded man that's been cucked by a chemical. Just sad if you ask me.
I like alcohol but his fixation on it is unhealthy
Can you all stop beerposting please im trying to stop before it kills me
Everything starts when you go to your GP (if you can get a walk in appointment lol)
got called a bellend by 190
nobody ever died of beer
sucking a golf ball
all 190 does is watch tv
so fucking grim, no wonder he's getting depressed.
go get some exercise you lanky gimp
hate hate hate
Literally in heat
hes a scholar and legend how dare you
Finally got a gf in the 4th quarter of /gf2020/. how are you all doing?
that and stupid youtubers like logan paul
his brain is complete mush
Only six days lads
October 25th
St Crispin's Day
Battle of Agincort
If you bully him enough over never leaving the house, eventually he'll say that lockdown apparently means he's not allowed to go out.
dont think she'll have any problems keeping warm
my problem is with drinking lager at all desu. Cider or even ale is a better choice in any situation
tell us what happened lad
The worst of the worst tv too, nothing remotely intelligent or thought provoking, just love island and football. Absolute gremlins.
for me a crisp lager definitely has its place
cider is sickly stuff, could only drink a pint personally
being monke
currently working towards gf2022
cider has no reason to exist outside of summer
was that flick any good?
the only people who are taking the check in thing seriously are the ones least likely to get it too i.e. the meticulous handwashers that follow every guideline to the letter
Scrumpy is good all year round.
monker than you bud
Yeah pretty good. Great soundtrack
>omg I hate men so much they're all such losers but i'm absolutely dying for a cock right now
the duality of woman
pint of cider down the hatch
grim mentally ill bint
caveman genes
if you were watching a mark video and someone came up and saw, asking what it is, how would you explain it?
need these dire twats arrested
>sickly stuff
you need to move away from the stuff marketed towards zoomers/women and try Old Rosie or Aspall
Women! Can't live with them, can't live without them!
i drink english ales lads. pale ales, golden ales. strong or dark. scottish ales with a dram of whiskey added. ill drink irish stouts and guinness. ill drink these for the session. not lagers
you're obsessed mate
women should be kept in cages until they're ready to get fucked
Might buy some Meade. Thoughts?
look at this freak (sorry marky I don't really mean that)
funny I thought the same thing about lager
I'd wordlessly gesture for them to sit down with me and watch.
i'd use my tried and tested method of explaining it's a kitchen sink drama of a lonely fat alcoholic thats stuck in the countryside, i'd ask them if they've ever read "Love on the dole" or "Tess of D'urbervilles" if they still didn't get it
find this statement a bit sexist mate
had it once at a new years eve party
was quite nice but you couldn't just quaff pints of it
Dads going to lose his job tomorrow because of this lockdown
I might be losing mine too
london paki
or albert camus' the stranger as well now that it hink about it
perfect place to drink lidl's scrumpy cider is on the porch of your shack looking into the favela
thinking of spending a week in new york
this confirms my theory that a gf is just a pet you can fuck
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
is it sexist if I identify as a female
I drink all of those too
and belgian blondes, dubbels, tripels, american pale ales, brown ales, saisons, IPAs, stouts, hefeweizen, bocks, marzens and dunkels.
but also lager. In the middle of Summer I am not reaching for a bitter personally
>this confirms my theory that a gf is just a pet you can fuck
well obviously not its strong as wine dumb idot
I wouldn't even get a reply if I sent someone this on tinder in my area
any pet is one you could fuck, technically
very pale looking, the one i had was golden honey coloured
why cant you fuck your pets?
thankfully people like this tend to die early
feeding the pet gf
go on...
and just like that, Reddit swept in
>the stranger
/brit/ book
46 years old
its just a change in me something in my liberty
thankfully everyone in my family is employed by the government . if they cut jobs it wont be until after the pandemic and even then it's more likely to be a long hiring freeze keeping existing jobs safe
>he doesn't drink pints of wine
look at this little lightweight lmao
Ingraham is Milf.
and 15%.. don't think thats the same type of Mead we're thinking of
drink port not mead
foreign muck
get a clue. from france we get brandy from jamaica comes rum, sweet oranges and apples from portugal come, but ale and strong cider are england's control, and i quote
yes, post chebs
imagine having to spend a week in grimdon
barcadi and coke myyyyy lads BUZZING x
Going to start dressing like a pagan. I can grow a decent beard so it'll work out.
putting the pet female on a diet
how much more reddit can you get la
booting up CK2
i live here so
just 50 jumping jacks and 40 push ups lads
For me, its doom bar
/brit/ is more caulfield than meursault
ill be pooing liquid in the morn
umm get ck3 you grim little povvo
i mean he is village elder, i assume their are some benefits? maybe they get a receipt
post body you avatar fag
pretty sure I outweigh you by 20 kg
be quiet Alistair, I'll drink what I please.
Imageboard not meadboard.
yes there are more than one make of mead
shouldnt be a surprise get a clue
any day now he'll make a tearful video about an arse cancer diagnosis
peng peng PENG used to work right in that image every day miss it like hell
>barcadi and coke
maybe you should leave
proxy off sad little fucker
second pint of kronensperg coming on strong
love glugging down pints and getting buzzed in a short period of time