What's wrong with China?
What's wrong with China?
For all that’s wrong with China, the reality is that there are places that are much worse. Like Turkey.
Because you're trying to append a Western understanding of religion onto an Asian country. Asian cultures don't really have a defined concept of an anthro creator deity, they tend to believe in shit like ghosts and karma and luck and shit. The typical Asian is absurdly superstitious and thinks if they light enough incense in front of a Buddha figurine that it will bring them good fortune in the next six months.
Or Amerikkka
why does turkey focus on other countries rather than trying to fix themselves?
China crushed religion
Especially the cultural revolution was a great thing
Without it, China would perhaps be half as wealthy
This is wrong. Chinese are superstitious as fuck
they're just honest
like how religion pretty much seem to have disappeared from the western world in the blink of an eye
I guess everybody was just paying lip service
developed asian countries don't give a fuck about religion, only muslim and catholic countries do
Europeans also thought that until just a few hundred years ago..
Isn't "underground christianity" actually on the rise in china?
China is still developing though. They've come a long way but they're still not at the finish line.
superstition is not a religion
>underground christianity
sounds heavenly kingdom tier retarded
should probably be suppressed with extreme prejudice
they still engage in ancestor worship and other types of folk religion
Well 10% of them have an interest in religion. That's wrong.
this is a misconception because they all practice despite maybe not always believing
Pic unrelated?
how is it a misconception then? It's just tradition at this point
He's not wrong, cultural Christians are still Christians even if they do just keep up with the tradition part, too.
Communiscm and fascism abolished religion because they view it as another ideology that they have to compete against.
Also chinese traditional medicine and feng shui
Religious practice is engaging in religion nonetheless and especially for religion based on rites it's all that matters.
ask the Pope, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself
The Church is the first one to inflate the number of Christians by including every single person who ever got baptised
I should point out that the CCP has tended to distrust Christianity and Islam more than Buddhism and other traditional religions, due to their perception as "foreign" faiths.
Look, I like China, but this is particularly not a strong point for them. Atheism is reddit-tier and the CCP should build more churches imo.
that's called being dishonest. Are you being dishonest as well?
Outright persecution of religion was ended after the Mao era, but all religious bodies must register with the state and support state ideology at all times. CCP members are also required to be atheists.
You almost got me.
> fascism abolished religion
Care to give examples? I would point to Italy, Germany, Spain and various south American dictatorships as counter-exampes.
Not all Catholic countries give a fuck, certainly not the more developed ones.
Hi Chang
They just replaced the reverence towards sky magic with reverence towards the Party: the Party must be the ultimate entity the people must look to and believe in.
>They just replaced the reverence towards sky magic
they already replaced that with reverence towards the emperor millennia ago
its the only good thing with china. religion is cancer.
I’m South Asian. I’m just saying the truth.