People keep buying German cars in my country despite Japanese outcompeting them in reliability and being at the same level as them at everything else.
Does this happen in your country? I hardly ever see a Lexus, only inferior Audis and BMWs.
People keep buying German cars in my country despite Japanese outcompeting them in reliability and being at the same level as them at everything else.
Does this happen in your country? I hardly ever see a Lexus, only inferior Audis and BMWs.
it doesn't matter, most car manufacturers in europe belong to german companies and asian cars have always been considered second class except maybe lexus
the lack soul and character
I mostly see Volvo's, old Mercs and American cars here where I live.
Noticed a shiton of jeeps recently
>outcompeting them in reliability
also this statement is doubtful
If you don’t have a German car it means you are poor
I just don't like the interior of jap cars. It's like they use parts from the 90s and the screens are low resolution
Generally speaking, Jap cars look like shit. If Toyota ever makes a decent looking limo for a good price I'd buy one.
they used to make good looking cars tho
A friend of mine who lives in northern Sweden says they call MB, Audi and BMW "Polish cars", because Polish immigrants love them and the locals don't buy them and choose Volvo or Subaru for better handling in the snow.
Here in Italy you see a lot of them. But since the hybrid boom of the last 2 years I've noticed a lot of lexus SUVs
Sub IQ 90 people drive BMWs and Audis, normal people drive Toyotas, Volvos or Skodas and rich people drive Mercedes or Lexus.
>german website shilling german cars
This is the best one if you're a yakuza boss.
Lexus is seen as a joke. Toyotas are fine because they're cheap and practical. Why anyone would want a Lexus is beyond me. You look like a beta driving one
Japanese cars have dominated the market here since at least the 80s
Dacia. Best car in the world.
>some sandnigger immigrant spamming classic bmwnigger delusions
best part is you don't even have a car
I own a Toyota. Lexus just doesn't carry the prestige a Mercedes/BMW does. Again if you want to be different you can drive you, you'll just always look like that guy wasting his money on a Lexus
this is now a good looking japanese cars thread
lexus was always a luxurous brand among those who actually know about cars, they're overpriced as fuck
I won't buy any German made after 2004
>wasting money
people who KNOW how much lexus cost, KNOW that it's in the same class as mercedes
people who spam the same asshurt as you, are just delusional nocar virgins
Lexus is a 90s invention from the Toyota marketing department as an answer to Audi. They were only avaible in the USA until 2010 or so when they entered Japan (their "home" market).
Again it's not a real brand.
No, best part is that he’s a Moroccan with a 2002 3,000€ BMW lmao
I dont know much about auto but I think there are more or less similar numbers of these cars on the street, but yeah german cars are very popular. But I have a honda for example and honda and totyata seem to be as many as fords and volzwagens, as in lexus and bmws and so on. But I can't say accurately since as i have said my knowledge of the car makes is limited
I'm a whitecel with a Starlet which I love very much.
Again you should get a job and ask anyone about why they don't drive a Lexus instead of a Mercedes. They'll tell you it's either because they like women or because they don't sit on a dildo
>doing some windowshopping
>build your own bmw
>hmm dont mind if I do
>3 class will do, make it a wagon
>bout 38k iirc, could be worse
>time for some accessories
>some panorama roof, AT, better sound system etc etc.
>final price like 80k
what the fuck
German cars require maintenance while Japanese cars can tolerate sime abuse.
There is a reason ISIS drives Toyota and Arab Sheikhs Mercedes G.
>He fell for maximum option scam
fuck outta here you nocar virgin, its the 3rd cope from you and you still havent posted your car
dont ever reply to me again
Comes down to taste but Interior and Exterior are generally pretty boring on japanese cars
Audi, BMW and MB are deeply rooted as the go-to luxury brands. It's hard for something like Lexus (which never got a real foothold in Europe) to land here and try to compete with the big three. Lets not also forget that only one dealership sells Lexus over here, might explain why you never see them anywhere.
Also I remember reading something about Lexuses being sold as Toyota Camries over here, while the same exact car was being sold as a Lexus over in Russia.
>nocar nocar nocar
You really cannot believe I own a 90s shitbox you can buy for less than a single month of welfare because I shit on your favorite Nippon marketing brand of choice?
Read up on Lexus. The brand was literally made by the Toyota marketing deparment you fucking virgin. It makes Audi look like a heritage brand.
yes I really don't believe you have a car
now fuck off, nocar virgin
Okay well refuse to read anything I say and just spam nocar over and over.
Lexus is an even sillier version of Audi, which is the step child of the luxury car brands.