I've been watching a lot of food videos, and Malaysia looks cool as fuck. Can I survive there speaking English only?
What's Malaysia like?
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>Can I survive there speaking English only
yes they speak pretty good English lah
how can you not know your own country? are you retarded?
every singaporean has a malaysian grandma who grows durian
We are not so different, you and I
Not nearly as Muslim as you. Do the different ethnic groups get along there?
Nice country for food tour
>Do the different ethnic groups get along there?
Yes, and no. On the outside everyone mostly seems to get along well, but racial prejudices are still very common. Deep down, not many Malays like chinks and indians and vice versa, unless you live in the city I guess where every races are clustered together.
>Can I survive there speaking English only?
Find a state you want to live in and learn the dialect there so there's a chance the locals will be welcoming.
Maybe you'll even get viral if you're good looking enough. Pic related is a whitoid who became popular due to his fluidity in speaking the Terengganu dialect.
They are similarly developed to Russia and are the richest SEA state after Singapore and Bhutan
They also have the twin towers in Kuala Lumpur which used to be the biggest building in the world for a few years
What are Indians in Malaysia like? Do they mostly speak Malay nowadays?
user I...
You mean Brunei right?
>Do they mostly speak Malay nowadays?
Most races speak malay to some extent unless they lived in an extremely segregated neighborhood all their lives.
Most of them usually assimilate well enough that our religions and cultures don't clash. Although they usually get a bad rep because of all the indian gangster triads and stuff.
Yes, my brain melted for a second
Its really fucking nice, visit Kuala Lumpur, Cameron Highlands, Perhentian islands then go down to visit Singapore. Honestly i travelled allot but this is my favorite trip i ever did
I'm Filipino and have an interest in traveling to Malaysia. Will I be harassed for being different looking?
Isn't Malay supposed to be considered a refreshingly easy language by many people? I could be thinking of something else but I feel like I've read this.
>indian gangster triads
Redpill me pls
ching chong wo xi ping wo pingp ong wolando?
>indian gangster triads and stuff.
Maybe its because I live in a country full of joggers, but I can't imagine Indians being tough guys
Do Indians smell?
Are Chinese the worst?
lol same
i can't take these goofy niggas seriously
>I'm Filipino
>for being different looking
Is this bait? Also you won't be harassed even if you look different. We're used to people all around the globe.
Pic related
Malay and Indonesian are basically the same language so you probably thinking of Indonesian. Yes it is an easy language, spoken wise.
Have a few family members in Malaysia, Indians there are mostly high performing like they are here, but most of the Indians in Malaysia were Tamils brought over as physical laborers. We even had a Tamil movie come out about Indian gangsters in Malaysia, and there used to be some big rappers in the 00s
I only know enough about this guys to know they are trouble
That shit looks so corny lmao. Indians aren't even the poorest people in Malaysia. Like what are they doing?
>Malay and Indonesian are basically the same language so you probably thinking of Indonesian. Yes it is an easy language, spoken wise.
I couldn't remember if they were the same or just close cousins but yeah like the morphology and syntax and shit are supposedly quite user friendly right? If you're implying that the written language is harder then why is that?
anglo countries gets the educated ones
Are you a bumiputra? How do you feel about Chinese and Indian people? Do you feel they are invaders or are you whatever about them?
>Do Indians smell?
If they're physical labourers, yeah
>Are Chinese the worst?
I can't speak much on this since I rarely interact with the chinese unless it's business stuff. They're usually jew-y and would try to sabotage you from time to time, but everyone does that to each other anyway. My chinese friends are mostly good people as far as I know.
I know, and?
Are there tamils in poland?
What are some interesting food dishes you recommend people should try?
Murtabak looks interesting and so does laksa
This is literally what every rap music video looked like in the 2000s, this was low budget as shit anyways
Educated Tamils ended up jumping ship to Anglo countries in the mid to late 20th century, these guys were unfortunately coolies brought over during the Raj across SEA and South America - Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are like 50% Indian too, mostly Tamil or West Indian
Average people on the street speak very casual form of the language, so they drop the prefixes and suffixes which are the most difficult part of the language. Without that, you basically can memorize some words and start talking.
No but I know they can be bad in Canada and Scandinavia because many came as refugees
Here are some of my favorites
>Nasi Dagang (coconut rice but different from Nasi Lemak)
>keropok lekor
I don't know the english word for this but it's basically fish+flour grounded into paste and then fried or boiled
>serunding (beef/chicken floss)
>lemang (seasonal)
There are many more street foods but I'm too lazy to name them all. Also, try budu (anchovy sauce) if you get a chance. It's a pleb filter.
Aren't Filipinos, Malays and Indos basically the same people?