Don't be nationalistic for just one time and answer this question in all honestly: can the women from your country...

Don't be nationalistic for just one time and answer this question in all honestly: can the women from your country compete with Russian ones?

No chance at all

Attached: Alina-Lando-by-Alexander-Mavrin-1.jpg (1080x1350, 195.37K)

I respectfully disagree.

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she's a lesbian

What the fuck all those chicks are 8/10 at best

im not nationalistic at all, quite opposite, that said
> can the women from your country compete with Russian ones?

My penis doesn't care. In fact, this has only piqued it's interest further.

Im good over here.

Attached: FB_IMG_1603225641168.jpg (640x960, 96.57K)

disagree therefor argies also can (not the brown subhumans like those who post here)

What country is that.

>tfw no pasta princess gf

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