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International #1326
Do you like architecture of modern houses in your countries?
Despite all of its problems, would you ever move out of your country if you got the chance...
I have ascended
Land of the free
Thread dedicated to Native American architecture
Post the country you are currently obsessed with
It's irl gonna happen lmao
My sister is top of her class in a STEM...
Should i
Sverigetråden - Gråskäggens upplaga
This board is like a rehab centre for former Zig Forumsacks
Noooo why don't you conform or integrate stoopid
/ita/ - il filo
Why do hispanic women love white men so much? What do we offer that hispanic men don't?
Bros please save us bros
Italians really think it's okay to live with their mother up until age 50
Explore shibuya
What's your countries best contribution to culinary? for israel it's hummus
I don't get it
Danish police vs arabs
1. your country
Can someone explain the Norf FC meme to me?
I want a Spanish gf and I want one NOW!
What other boards do you go on besides Zig Forums?
A firstie called me subhuman yesterday
This is a jain temple in the suburb adjacent to mine...
Georgians are the meds of the soviet world
Why can't Africans into chess?
1. Your country
Ur cunt
The ideal germany :)
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Imagine being so CHAD
Is it Like This in Your Cunt?
Sverigetråden - Baserade våldsupplagan
What's your favorite season in your country incels? for me it's autumn
My 2 hours lunch break will end in 40 minutes
What's stopping you from doing the tiktok we wuz challenge?
Thank you germany for this good food
Have you ever been with a black queen? Sadly, they are very rare here
Do Turks still wear the Fez ?
Are French men popular in your cunt?
California general
They are european
What do you think about us?
1. ur cunt
Vienna, Illinois
Which arab country is your favorite one?
Is Pepsi okay?
/ita/ il filo
U r cunt
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Sverigetråden - Torsdagsupplagan
/desi/-Team Rocket edition
I want to know everything that you know about Iran. The culture, government, politics, history, cuisine, geography...
How do arabs make everyone seethe so much? Even other muslims are obsessed with them
Your country
I don't want kids
Why do you hate thirdies so much?
/v4/ + friends
Worst flag thread
I wish I was born in France
How come these cunts didn't participate in WWII?
I wish I were Italian and had a happy close family
Whats the deal with Americans?
Germany thread
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /이스라/ - /isr/
Be American
What's the meanest thing a girl has ever said to you?
Why is Japanese humour so underappreciated?
Are fruits good for you?
You a dumb bitch
We can't understand
1.ur cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
Niece is a 10 year old dropout who refuses to go to school
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I wanna kill myself because I'm a nosecel
Why don't China bring back these type of clothing? Why aren't more Chinese people wearing them...
Do police in your country act friendly to you then shoot you in the face 5 minutes later for having a panic attack when...
Which apps from this list do you have on your phone?
Kurva anyátok
In north america it is illegal to have sovl
Ready for china century?
What's the most based region of Mexico ??
Your country
Do straight men in your cunt drink wine?
Who's the biggest shitstain in your country's history?
I'm brown
This site is my only form of social interaction besides with my family
How do you cope the fact that you will be alone for the rest of your life?
Chilean diaspora
1. Your country
Are Muslims the most bullied people group on Zig Forums?
He's never interacted, nor even seen a pluto poster
/fat fucks/
/desi/ - wow grapes edition
What are Dutch women like?
Have you ever met a femcel in your country?
In the american educational system, any score under 60% is a fail
Japanese poster asks "Do you love Japan?"
/fr/ - frenchothread
What is their end goal?
Apu thread
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1. Ur a cunt
I’m American and want to move to Canada. Is that weird?
Which nationality would you rather be?
Choose your character
Why yes, I megachad, am basque, how could you tell?
Is anyone here pissed off by the word ''folks''? Seriously, why would anyone use that word instead of ''people''...
Do you live in a big city or in the countryside?
You wake up in the year 2100
Cat thread
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & FRIENDS
/eag/ - /儒洲/ - East Asia General
Do Americans accept or reject the inevitability of China's power levels surpassing theirs?
/lat/ hilo latino
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2437
Would you ever date this nice russian girl?
Mfw I see the janny
Australia and NZ both have a system where the worst crims just get put in solitary confinement in a max sec prison...
Imagine calling skyscrapers soulless. Literally ousts you as a pleb. Also Zig Forumsernational Architecture thread
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
Brazil is not Latin America
/fr/ - le francofil
Do underclass hispanics refer to themselves as nigga in your country?
What would your ideal partner be ?
Ancient Version of Languages
I unironically want to live under fascism
/skandi/+ /danmarktråden/ + /norgetråden/ +/sverigetråden/
Why are blacks so insecure? They literally can handle hearing a specific word without turning into a chimp...
I'm 20 and have never been to an airport
Do you still go to nightclubs?
What are Nordic women like
Your country
In Europe no one identifies as being being white as it's only a new world thing
Are you a sex haver or a non sex haver
How can anyone in Europe be a virgin when prostitution is widely available?
Can someone explain Abos to me?
Yes, Americans really
Actually, it's pronounced "arkensaw"
George Washington
/fr/ - le francofil
What's the most rentfree country in the world? As in...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
Only 3 soyjak threads
Français: Basé
How do you cope with not being born in the north?
Do turkish women want european men?
Why does Denmark have so much tourists?
France Appreciation Thread :)
Cute girl at uni
Sverigetråden - Kaosupplagan
Are you bongs, germs, and ruskies ready to admit you were the bad guys in the Napoleonic wars
Post the worst areas of your country
/éire/ eagrán Dubliners
/fr/ francofil
What was your cunt doing in 1500?
Are Nords and Meds bros?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
It's really that bad?
Mir sinn elsässisch, nitt franzeesch merci
/ישר/ - /isr/
I'm 22 years old and I never drank a single beer in me life
Where would you sit?
Post interesting international house finds
Indian men, don't look over our women. I don't feel good
You are now President of Guatemala. You have 4 years to improve the country or you get executed. What do you do?
Why do British women look like this?
Why are these guys so much better than argies?
/fr/ francofil
/fr/ - le francofil
Will you be taking the covid-19 vaccine?
What makes Northern Europeans so much less willing to protest than Southern Europeans? Is it the protestant work ethic?
Sverigetråden - Räddningupplagan
Why do Americans lack self awareness?
/ita/ il filo
Post ur car
Is New England the best part of the United States?
I really hate graffiti and tagging, do you?
Why are they so inferior compared to anglos and nordics?
If American cuisine is so awful, why does the whole world eat it?
Do people bike in your country?
I wish I woke up as 10 again and realized it was all just a bad dream
Your cunt
Vocaro thread
Christianity is going to die if we don't follow the scriptures like we used to
1. You are a cunt
How do people get girlfriends in your country?
What do you like about japan besides anime/manga?
What's it like living in a city like this?
Have money but have nothing and nobody to spend it on
/fr/ francofil
Are there more diametrically opposed cultures in the world than Anglo and Hispanic?
Which one of these countries has the best quality of life for the average person?
This is now heritage thread. Post you results and what is your home country
KFC or McDonalds, which one do you/your people prefer?
When will Taiwan return all the cultural artifacts they stole from Beijing to China?
From today's march on Berlin
Have you met a Turkish Satanist?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Which European country has the best cathedrals?
Sverigetråden - Skånetråden
/desi/-Chennai city edition
Chinese social media broke through the west with TikTok
1. Your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Australians be like this Anime is too spicy for me!
Do Argies makes the best popes?
Would you take the chocolate cake, the Game Boy or her ?
Why isn't weed legal in europe?
Can some latam bros post architecture in their cunts inspired by indigenous aesthetics? This is from Bolivia
Left: average german
A Pole walks into a bar
/fr/ le francofil
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/ita/ il filo
Which one?
I wish I was Italian
Is it true that Spaniards hate Northern Europeans?
Finland is burning send help pls :DD
We apologize to South Americans and Latinos for having bred and created this monster...
I am African and I am American. But I am not African American. Why is that so hard for AAs to understand?
Do they really?
Sverigetråden - Alltid ensam-upplagan
Your cunt
Radical feminists have started sticking those caricatures of mohamed's ass everywhere, and to be precise...
Attila Klaus-Peter Hildmann (born 22 April 1981) is a German vegan cookbook author and far-right conspiracy theorist...
What made you realize they are the good guys? For me...
Americans throw their used toilet paper in the toilet
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Describe your language to me
Are there any girls cuter than Japanese girls?
These are two average Dutch girls. They may look pretty and pure, but theyre rotten through...
/desi/ - tfw no jobs in the cunt edition
The year is 2030 and a full blown war breaks between the United Kingdom and the European Federation
Blue lives matter
/fr/ le fil mignon des français (et autres francophones!) mignons
Do they really?
Today all of my friends went out together but decided not to invite me. Literally every single one...
1. your cuntry
How old were you when you realized that the east is vastly superior to the west?
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila Idą ludzie tam za bramą...
Why is Europe so comfy bros?
Would you let me into your country?
Hated jaidenanimations
Do Spain and Portugal experience influx of immigrants from their former colonies?
Do your country's politicians live in a society?
Did you remember to check your privilege today?
Is your city aesthetic?
Why do they think they're funny?
/ita/ il filo
Why do americans do this?
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden Frejaupplagan
What's your countries most famous invention?
Want to buy Chuck 70
Is this common in your count?
Do atheists oppress religious people or is it the other way around in your country?
/deutsch/ Hirnlein-Ausgabe
We can learn a lot from them tbqh
Thank you Gaben for choosing the Australian state of New Zealand as the new Valve HQ
I suffer in Finland
What's your experience with dating apps in your country?
Yurotards will literally mock something Americans do, then unironically copy us:
What monarchs are the next most relevant in the World after big Liz?
Why are they still using English now that UK is gone?
No future
300k Americans have died from corona
Giant statue of Odin built for kids to play with in Staffanstorp Sweden
Is britain even a real country?
Is HDI the only thing they got going for them?
Just wish Britain had a second city to compete with London
'I'm Bengali, my boyfriend was black - and my mum freaked out'
Hairstyles of Zig Forums
Is anyone else here fucking tired of the hysteria around coronavirus?
I find it surreal that English is a language some people use for reasons other than just communicating with foreigners...
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /이스라/ - /isr/
Kurva anyátok!
Is food a human right in your country?
This is the official translation for Spider-Man: Miles Morales in Spain
He doesn't have an Asian gf
Which country has the brightest future?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1984
Italy is 92% italian
What are your thoughts on Texas?
Can't wait to watch the libcucks seethe again
Why are euros triggered by Australia?
What is the main reason to live for in your cunt?
/desi/ - pashtun gf edition
1. Your country
Your country
Why are Germans like this?
Did you know 100% of its white and educated population as well as its white middle classes immigrated out of this...
Why is Florida the perfect state? Not a flyover, perfect climate, no faggy politics like California
Which writing system is the best
Dark indian women > black women
Why can't europeans use chopsticks? it's not that hard lmao
How come every time I meet a European in person they always break down in tears...
What country Zig Forums?
Be honest, would you?
Ok boys let's settle this once and for all
What happen here?
What do people do when they're sad in your country?
Are they Arabs?
Are Koreans culturally and genetically closer to Chinese or Japanese?
Dad found the Bible under my pillow
Okay but seriously, why do people seem to hate them so much? do we even have any real reason for it...
Do parents beat their children in your country?
Why is Brazil the most dangerous country in the world?
Do people in your country do ASMR?
What are the chad and incel names of East Asia?
Why do europeans constantly refer to us as the "american empire" and call us rome and shit
When will the Mayan people be free of Latino occupation?
I have a fetish
Oh no China bros, we got too cocky
How do they do it bros? How do they manage to be cringe every time they post? /cum/ would be so much better as /um/
California is the richest and nicest place to live in the US when it’s 90% wasp
/fr/ francofil
Imagine unironically speaking the language of another people...
Do you love italy?
Hilo /lat/ino
Language Ratings
/brit/ + /seax/
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do you love Argentina?
Do russians really? This guy is the most followed person in Russia
/ita/ - Il Filo
Is anybody here Femanon?
Sverigetråden - Säkra upplagan
The Japanese think that Japan and America are friends
Why are white women so attracted to murderers?
Your cunt
Islam made it lose all of its soul
The SOVL countries of Latin America
This is the shittiest meme of the year
What does this say about Europe?
Curious of what age/generation all you in your cunts are? Late 1990s here
1. Cunt
1. I'm Cunt
Enter KING Charles
How accurate is this?
/brit/ le fil britannique
If independent this would be the greatest nation in the world
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2436
/fr/ francofil
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Are you olmecian?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Do people wear mask in your country?
Do Italians feel the same shame over their ancestors' actions as Germans?
1. your country
Beyond ruined potential
Does it suck to be American
Did you have a good summer?
The edgy Brazilian cuck spammer
Is this the future of Europe?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
He fell for the STEM meme
I have no respect for anyone working in IT
Should Italy split into North and South Italy?
This is the single window to every third world child to American culture before he grows up and discovers...
My son was talking to a friend on discord when we were out driving the other day. They conversed in english...
Why did it all go so wrong for Britain?
Can someone explain me what happens in Suriname?
Is car sex common in your country?
/ita/ il filo
This guy is Ukrainian
Do black people scary you? What’s the general attitude towards black people in your cunt?
Don't be nationalistic for just one time and answer this question in all honestly: can the women from your country...
Imagine having your own house, land, and car
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Nobody's learning russian
Are people struggling to get enough food to eat in your country?
Most expensive house in my country $12 million.... Post some actual richfag homes from your country
How is it possible to make a non ethic natiolist country where only the greatest minds are welcomed
Why wont you visit Turkey, user?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
"Yellow Vests Movement"
"¿Cómo se puede defender un país donde el cinco por ciento de la población controla el noventa y cinco por ciento...
This kills the Italian
Masks of Zig Forums
Be objectively a sub-standard country
How do you cope with living in a shithole?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine