Do Americans accept or reject the inevitability of China's power levels surpassing theirs?

Do Americans accept or reject the inevitability of China's power levels surpassing theirs?

Attached: 2008 vs 2018.jpg (1114x777, 101.58K)


why doesn't america build trains?

Don’t need to, don’t want to.

because public things are literally communism according to yanks

Why should we build trains when we have cars? We have the freedom to go anywhere we please without having to share the ride with niggers. China having so many trains sounds hellish.

car culture was a mistake


Sorry that I'm not a commie. Socialism is a cancer on the planet.

Americans are allergic to public transit and think paying for them is socialism. Also the idea of sharing a ride with more than three people is hell to them, especially if they're black, hispanic or poor.