Do Turks still wear the Fez ?

Or they don't anymore?

Attached: Twinkjak WWI Ottoman with Mustache & Fez.png (769x1104, 70.37K)

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Hat law was introduced in 1925 which said men had to wear Western hats and not fez hats

Ataturk is a subhuman

wtf I hate Ataturk now

Attached: 1590097927122.png (785x1189, 627.77K)

the fez was Moroccan to begin with, not Turkish

based ATATVRK making muzzies and w*stards seethe to this day

Attached: atatürk.png (500x200, 29.92K)

What about these hats? Turkish-style turbans, or whatever they are called?

Attached: 3b44bba294b5feff26faf61b091b9cb7d751e0aa[1].jpg (558x276, 78.52K)

Reminds me of the Russian beard tax introduced by Peter the great. It was intended to make Russian nobility look more like western European nobility.

Attached: BeardTax.jpg (780x520, 135.41K)