Do Turks still wear the Fez ?

Or they don't anymore?

Attached: Twinkjak WWI Ottoman with Mustache & Fez.png (769x1104, 70.37K)

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Hat law was introduced in 1925 which said men had to wear Western hats and not fez hats

Ataturk is a subhuman

wtf I hate Ataturk now

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the fez was Moroccan to begin with, not Turkish

based ATATVRK making muzzies and w*stards seethe to this day

Attached: atatürk.png (500x200, 29.92K)

What about these hats? Turkish-style turbans, or whatever they are called?

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Reminds me of the Russian beard tax introduced by Peter the great. It was intended to make Russian nobility look more like western European nobility.

Attached: BeardTax.jpg (780x520, 135.41K)

Persian style actually
Never saw a Middle Eastern diaspora with turbans or such shit in Germany
All of them wear thick mustaches and suits, they look like Saddam Hussein actually

why are there so many examples of Eastern leaders being such cucks to Westerners? also see Reza Shah

the monkey from aladdin had the same hat
where they..?

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Westerners have been powerful for a long time so it's not so strange that outsiders wish to gain some of that power through emulation. For example, lots of Asian cultures tried to emulate China in many different ways

I actually have one but I don't wear it and go outside ofc. It will make people think you're religious af and want sharia or something

>you're religious af and want sharia or something
and you do, right brother ?

I shit on islam and everything related to it

I am CcC Altay Tengriist, time to burn B*ğdat again

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Are Fez considered religious hat?

bazlı ve kızılhaplı

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It will make people think you want to go back to Ottoman times and only people who do are extremely religious people

>hâla türk animeciler var
soyumuz tükendi sanıyordum

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Turks don't like the Ottoman Empire?

No But it was linked to Islam cus Muslims Wear it

fuck no it was a shithole for the 200 years of its existance and got bullied by w*st
also see this'_Front

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Arada sırada uğruyorum buraya user
There's a difference between liking the history and wanting to go back to it.
[insert Putin's quote about USSR]

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Depends on the person. Religious fucks like I said wants it back. Normal people likes it but prefer a secular republic over a sharia monarchy. By wearing a fez you're basically saying you don't accept the reforms made after the abolition of the sultanate

>Arada sırada uğruyorum buraya user
ben de anonim, bazen Türk animeciler çıkıyor karşıma eski günleri hatırlıyorum

Attached: hakase.gif (858x480, 202.01K)

tfw want to get fucked by a turkish bear dad wearing fez with big mustache.

do Turks really?

Attached: turkish man.jpg (496x286, 31.07K)