But the vast majority of Americans cannot distinguish between Japan, China and Korea.
The Japanese think that Japan and America are friends
We don't need to know what they look like, we just need to know where to bomb.
Forgive us. We do not see many Japanese here and we are not so very smart.
Yes I can, the Chinese man is the one who was ripped in half in a factory accident, the Korean man is the one who rips his face apart with plastic surgery, and the Japanese man is the one who killed himself.
But americans are right...
- bad teeth, brown or yellowish or beige skin color
- sometimes jew nose but mostly typical east asian nose
- most are slant eyed
- weak chin and incel jawlines
- beige or brownish sometimes pale due to siberian admixture
-really slant eyed
- strong jaws
- ugly noses
North Chinese look similar to Koreans
South Chinese are living stereotypes
No one can
Chinese look more similar to Japanese
Koreans look like have Mongolian jaws and headshapes, but Chinese faces
can the vast majority of japanese or chinese distinguish between people from sweden, poland, germany and ireland?
No they can't