
dino edition

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first for sex sex sex

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dinky the t-rex

all i can say is fuck all niggers



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Mark looks like a pens exploded in his face what happened

1970 shh
1970 shh
1970 shh
1977 no me digan no
Que uno lo presiente
Todo lo que cambia lo hará diferente
En el año que nació la serpien-shh

a lot of normies are getting into conspiracy theories via covid i noticed on facebook

mad how locking people indoors makes them go loopy

Booked a meal for me and my dad.
I arrive 10 minutes early, he's now 45 minutes late and not answering his phone....
I've been stood up, ghosted, by my own da.

oh is this why being a NEET for years has made me deranged?

maybe he's dead

not wanting to scare you lads but I have a hunch that dog is in a bit of trouble and could do with being saved before it gets chomped by the big bad dinosaur

Need Emma Watson’s sexy poo on my dinner plate.

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i'm posting racism on Zig Forums while simultaneously arguing with someone about how reagan fucked over black people
i honestly don't know what my opinion is

yeah probs x

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captcha being a cunt or is it just for me?

have been a NEET all my life and I am a beacon of sanity

My opinion is whatever I think will cause the most agitation at this present time. You may refer to me as the Rusemaster.

what did he mean by this

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post fat milkers

wanted to have a wank but didnt want to turn my phone back on

a sane person would never type such a sentence on a rwandan maize growing forum

come on now, poo can't be described as 'sexy'. you're bordering into silly territory with this one, emmayank.

has he lost the plot?

scarnon lads

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most men and women can't be friends because men want to fuck everything and this will eventually get in the way of the """"friendship"""" or they will actually just bone
or she's just ugly of course

got a sudden craving for lychees
shame they sell them next to nowhere

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left: a slave to convention and morality
right: ascended Nietzschean Übermensch who transcends the opinions of a society that is beneath him

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Emma Watson’s can. I refuse to believe that the poo that comes from her bum is normal gross poo.

wonder if mark will kill himself one day


Did he fall in a mudhole?

nah mate I'd rather refer to you as "Annoying Twat"


what the fuck he looks 10 years younger

>come on now, poo can't be described as 'sexy'. you're bordering into silly territory with this one, emmayank.

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if he did who will pick up the pieces of the seasideMARK empire? he has no male heirs

thats just local charity shop banter. every jobseeker i think has done a charity shop stint. you meet some great characters
remember an old man who come in every week with his wife cracking jokes then a few months i never saw them and after a while i realised i was only seeing the wife town :(

nah the guy on the right dresses like that for approval

it'll go the way of the romans i imagine

post that webm
you know the one

he has carved out a very unique niche that not many people could replicate

cant wait to reunite the seaside empire in EU6

Positively GAGGING for some baklava

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I am the spunky milf in her 40s

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i am the spooky neet in his (doxxable information)

>force mask wearing
>cases double every week
>introduce rule of 6
>cases double every week
>implement local lockdowns
>cases double every week
>put everyone into their own pod
>cases double every week


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i reckon white people who don't have any problems with saying nigger are less racist than those who do

wants slapping down


yeah reckon this theory holds some truth

the only winning move is to not play
it's like that episode of star trek where geordie laforge is being a nonce and there's the booby trapped 1000 year old shit

They're making up numbers to justify continuing the fascist lockdown

Need to do what south korea did