Are there more diametrically opposed cultures in the world than Anglo and Hispanic?

Are there more diametrically opposed cultures in the world than Anglo and Hispanic?

Attached: Flag-Pins-Great-Britain-Spain_600x600.jpg (400x320, 32.05K)

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Tibetan and Fijian

switch hispanic with med and no there isn't

I like spain, then again i'm a welshman, not an anglo

what's the difference? a genuine question out of myignorance

Anglos are white and european and spanish are brown africans.

hispanic culture has nothing to do with the culture of Spain

you have to go back negrito

>not an anglo
No shit

Both are covetous, lazy, boastful and imperialistic. Not so different.

>Not so different.
Untrue. These two cultures are always in conflict

>hispanic culture has nothing to do with the culture of Spain


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Because England/GB and Spain were rivals. But Spain and France were also rivals and they were both Catholic Latin kingdoms

I don't think we have anything in common, maybe football.

>Not an anglo
Mmmmmm I don't know about that

He is probably diferenciating betwen latinos and iberians

Literally soulless and ALMA.

Sure, it is only that lots of people are part of these 2.

And most anglos have a positive opinion of Spain. The anglo-hispanic rivalry is a myth living rent-free in the mind of some pan-nationalists

The difference between the UK and the med countries is definitely over exaggerated. Especially Italy, the UK and Italy are really very similar whether they want to admit it or not

>And most anglos have a positive opinion of Spain.

yeah, like a cheap resort, but they dislike spaniards

Spain is like a brothel for them
I seriously automatically despise any anglo putting a foot on my country, but I'm still going to try to find a job on the UK

What is that?

This. If anything, Anglos and Meds are alike because they have a seafarer cultural mindset. If there's a polar opposite to the Anglo, it's the Russian.

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Honestly totally untrue but believe what you like. Not everyone here just wants to go to magaluf

>The anglo-hispanic rivalry is a myth
Imagine being a literal colony and saying this


>these two cultures are always in conflict
Lad, we had a Spanish Kangz and a Spanish Queen the last 500 years there and one of our Queens in the XX was granddaughter of Queen Victoria....

>Especially Italy, the UK and Italy are really very similar
How the fuck can someone say this seriously. You have *nothing* in common.
You mean "Bloody Mary"?

Yes I mean Catherine of Aragon, Philip II and
Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg

Attached: magaluf.jpg (762x639, 119.31K)

Tú a quemar iglesias

Mis lados!

based cymru

>Refusal to use direct speech always speaking in a roundabout way
>Obsession with doing things 'our way'
>Living in the past

I can keep going, much more similar than some other countries that are much closer to us geographically

>You have *nothing* in common.
Wouldn't say that, either. Italy and Britain are both highly Eurosceptic nations

Shipment of American shart that got our of control.

So Anglos, Meds and Nords vs. Central and Eastern Yuros

hispanic and spanish is not the same

Nah, I can agree that the US have a more serious case of hispanophobism that likely originated from their anglo root, but the UK has always stroke me as more passively indifferent than outright hostile. In some cases, some of the british I've seen had some sort of admiration towards Spain's history, and their impact in its decay is more overplayed than it really was. They just took advantage of the situation in the Americas strictly from a mercantile perspective (Although since you guys have more direct experience with the british, my impression on them could be wrong).


The biggest rivalries are always Land Powers vs Sea Powers- these are represented by the spiritual beasts of Behemoth and Leviathan.

Behemoth is a lumbering giant; it is usually mammalian, often a trampling bull or a bear. Behemoth jealously defends its territory against incursions by the sea monster, the serpentine whale-fish called Leviathan. Behemoth exerts itself to rip apart the Leviathan with its horns or teeth, while the Leviathan holds shut the mouth and nose of the land animal with its fins so that it cannot eat or breathe’. This describes a naval blockade, and has its analogy in the conflicts between England and Russia in the 19th century, England and Germany in the 20th. More modern analogies include the USA against the Soviet Union and China. The ancient analogy is Greece against Persia, or Carthage against Rome.

They are a pair of opposites: Behemoth is autochthonous, representing the stable order of earth-bound peoples. Leviathan is thalassocratic, embodying the fluid dynamism of seafaring peoples. Behemoth signifies terrestrial empires, while Leviathan suggests commercial trade and exploration. The former stands for traditional, divinely sanctioned state authority, the latter for the spirit of pirate-capitalist enterprise (‘corsair capitalism’).

>>Refusal to use direct speech always speaking in a roundabout way
No proof
>Obsession with doing things 'our way'
>Living in the past
All Euros do that

Finnish and Guatemalan.

Mate my proof is talking to actual Italians, what are you trying to argue about this for

This we're like the discount retarded version of them
