Language Ratings

>S tier
>beautiful, romantic sound while still quite relatively straightforward to learn
>bitches love it
>IMO the most straightforward language in the world. Easy to learn, easy to pronounce, only difficult part is the damn RR but you can get by without it
>not as beautiful as Italian but still sounds romantic, sexy, and masculine
>relatively easy to learn with a very unique, flowery and artistic sound. Again, bitches love it.
>cons are that it has some gay little things (ooo la la, voila), not very masculine

>A Tier
>top tier for singing and poetry
>kind of retarded for everyday talk though
>very beautiful, masculine language rooted in a deep, cultural history
>hard to learn though

>B Tier
>it's objectively a pretty good language. Sounds good and is very logical if that's your thing
>takes logicalness too the autistic extremes though, not fun to learn
>like Russian, beautiful slavic language
>however, Poland and Polish are meh
>very interesting language, romantic language with slavic influences
>literally useless unless you live in Romania


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Other urls found in this thread:

>C Tier
>overrated as fuck and ruined by weebs, but it's still a very interesting language
>even polyglots struggle to learn this language, the grammar is extremely difficult for westerners. You could learn 3 other languages in the time it takes you to learn Japanese, and for what? To watch anime without subs?
>extremely boring language that is a mutt of a bunch of European languages. Doesn't sound good at all (maybe the Scottish accent but eh)
>Probably the easiest language in the world to learn though. Necessary to know if you want to do well in the world
Dutch/Swedish/Norwegian/Nordic in general (besides Finnish)
>boring, not really useful unless you live there, not terribly hard in general
>typical C tier languages
>don't know much about these languages but they're pretty cool. IDK if I'd put them in B tier though.

>D Tier
>Hard as fuck and autistic with the tonal bullshit and kanji you have to learn
>doesn't even sound good
>might be the lingua franca after amerikkka collapses; at least Chinese history is quite interesting.
>hard as fuck to learn, autistic, doesn't sound great, and not useful at all
>don't really see the appeal, at least it's "easier" than the other asian languages.
>ugly language spoken by ugly people
>just doesn't sound good at all, it's hard as fuck, and how the hell do people understand that script. However, I do find the history of Arabic pretty interesting, especially its influence on the Spanish language
>not a great sounding language. Based country and based people though, also Pho is delicious.

sorry man i only fuck guys

>F Tier

Hindi/Bengali/Western Punjabi/Whatever the fuck is spoken near India
>absolutely awful to hear, terrible accents. I'll hear Hindi and start smelling curry, christ I have ptsd from college from smelly Indians. Don't mean to be mean though, a lot of Indians are based and nice guys.

>Academic Tier
>no point in learning unless you're studying it or a priest lol. Guess it's aight; it's father of the best languages

>Don't give a single fuck tier
anything else

Thoughts on this list? Agree or disagree?


>hurrrr this is what the culture and people who speak it are like therefore it is le based or le cringe
>white women think it sounds hot? better stuff that in S tier!
Fuck off mutt, willing to bet you don't even speak anything fluently but English and Spanish (if that)

>racist vitriol with nothing to do with the thread
>check flag

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Completamente de acuerdo

Who are you quoting ?

>Let me tell you about your language....
What languages from this list do you even speak at least conversationally in order to have such an expert's eye?

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English, Spanish (B1), might move to Quebec so hopefully that'd be a good way to learn French as I want to learn French when I hit B2 in Spanish. I don't get why I have to be a polyglot to post a tier list on Zig Forums you dumb racist

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