>S tier Italian >beautiful, romantic sound while still quite relatively straightforward to learn >bitches love it Spanish >IMO the most straightforward language in the world. Easy to learn, easy to pronounce, only difficult part is the damn RR but you can get by without it >not as beautiful as Italian but still sounds romantic, sexy, and masculine French >relatively easy to learn with a very unique, flowery and artistic sound. Again, bitches love it. >cons are that it has some gay little things (ooo la la, voila), not very masculine
>A Tier Portuguese >top tier for singing and poetry >kind of retarded for everyday talk though Russian >very beautiful, masculine language rooted in a deep, cultural history >hard to learn though
>B Tier German >it's objectively a pretty good language. Sounds good and is very logical if that's your thing >takes logicalness too the autistic extremes though, not fun to learn Polish >like Russian, beautiful slavic language >however, Poland and Polish are meh Romanian >very interesting language, romantic language with slavic influences >literally useless unless you live in Romania
>C Tier Japanese >overrated as fuck and ruined by weebs, but it's still a very interesting language >even polyglots struggle to learn this language, the grammar is extremely difficult for westerners. You could learn 3 other languages in the time it takes you to learn Japanese, and for what? To watch anime without subs? English >extremely boring language that is a mutt of a bunch of European languages. Doesn't sound good at all (maybe the Scottish accent but eh) >Probably the easiest language in the world to learn though. Necessary to know if you want to do well in the world Dutch/Swedish/Norwegian/Nordic in general (besides Finnish) >boring, not really useful unless you live there, not terribly hard in general >typical C tier languages Greek/Hungarian >don't know much about these languages but they're pretty cool. IDK if I'd put them in B tier though.
>D Tier Mandarin >Hard as fuck and autistic with the tonal bullshit and kanji you have to learn >doesn't even sound good >might be the lingua franca after amerikkka collapses; at least Chinese history is quite interesting. Finnish >hard as fuck to learn, autistic, doesn't sound great, and not useful at all Korean >don't really see the appeal, at least it's "easier" than the other asian languages. Turkish >ugly language spoken by ugly people Arabic >just doesn't sound good at all, it's hard as fuck, and how the hell do people understand that script. However, I do find the history of Arabic pretty interesting, especially its influence on the Spanish language Vietnamese >not a great sounding language. Based country and based people though, also Pho is delicious.
Eli Myers
sorry man i only fuck guys
Juan Perry
>F Tier
Hindi/Bengali/Western Punjabi/Whatever the fuck is spoken near India >absolutely awful to hear, terrible accents. I'll hear Hindi and start smelling curry, christ I have ptsd from college from smelly Indians. Don't mean to be mean though, a lot of Indians are based and nice guys.
>Academic Tier Latin >no point in learning unless you're studying it or a priest lol. Guess it's aight; it's father of the best languages
>Don't give a single fuck tier anything else
Thoughts on this list? Agree or disagree?
Andrew Richardson
>hurrrr this is what the culture and people who speak it are like therefore it is le based or le cringe >white women think it sounds hot? better stuff that in S tier! Fuck off mutt, willing to bet you don't even speak anything fluently but English and Spanish (if that)
Sebastian Adams
>racist vitriol with nothing to do with the thread >check flag
>Let me tell you about your language.... What languages from this list do you even speak at least conversationally in order to have such an expert's eye?
English, Spanish (B1), might move to Quebec so hopefully that'd be a good way to learn French as I want to learn French when I hit B2 in Spanish. I don't get why I have to be a polyglot to post a tier list on Zig Forums you dumb racist