I'm brown

I'm brown

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You're white in America Muhammed

Same :)

hey, don't call me wh*te ever again.


you wish muzdog.
only Indian and a few South Americans are truly brown.
stop LARPing as us. you're white.

>only Indian and a few South Americans
Wrong Mexico and all of Latin America is majority brown brother


you are dark/medium brown. I am light brown. Simple

my brown brother

Mexico maybe, some are true brown.
>and all of Latin America is majority brown brother
that's cope.
Only the NATIVE BVLLS and a few mixed dogs are.

you are not brown, you're white. But you are my brother.

The majority of mexico and central america looks like this. The only white latin american country is argentina and despite cherry picking brazil is the majority african

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except 1 or 2 the majority can pass as Arabs. So no, they're not true brown.

>The only white latin american country is argentina and despite cherry picking brazil is the majority african
Not really, in the north some of the provinces are even less developed than most of mexico.

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Brown sissy boy >:3

Are non whites even human bros?

I'm pink

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Jeddawi user?

What are the kids doing?

Thats not you and thats a guy

No, we're Anunnaki

Can I be your sissy boy binlan

Lies. Show hands

Arabs and Indians are bros, stop being mean. Every Indian teacher I've had starts being very nice when they learn I am Arab and tries to demonstrate their knowledge of Arabic to me

Burying a raped little girl, this was today

isn't meant to be me just have a similar fucked up face and couldn't find any good male rosacea pics on the jewgle

All the sissies want winland

im white

who would want to be h*man

wtf how are you posting from china

these beige fucks thinking they brown get out of here

Based. Fuck yellow Uyghurs am i right my white CCP friend?

I’m pink, not pig.

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Based. I hate Uyghurs too

I'm sick of hearing about them


I have something like that although not as prominent as the pic, it comes and goes doesnt it? I dont feel anything except for the occasional comments from the family


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