Why do they speak in a high-pitch, nasal voice?

Why do they speak in a high-pitch, nasal voice?

Attached: Flag_of_the_United_States.png (2000x1053, 57.36K)

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because they're from bahston

Because I inherited my mom's awful Shitcago accent

It comes from the East Anglian accent, the “Norfolk whine”

That’s the sound of sovless consoomerism

Our English is influenced by the French taco bell

Not really.
I mean I speak with the same central Floridian accent like video related.

and why do they always talk like they're trying to entertain some braindead youtube audience?

Forry, wha waff daff you were faying, my Fpaniff friend?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-10-22 181431.png (994x175, 24.91K)

Why to the Spaniards speak like they're a bird with a mouth full of peanut butter?

why do spaniards?


4, 5 or 6 I guess


due to rampant homosexuality

That would be the Yanks not us southerners

why do spanish speakers carry on at 9000 miles an hour and just make a lot of gobbledygook sounds?

To assert dominance

The mere existence of your toothpaste country is a joke

>The mere existence of your toothpaste country is a joke

Attached: 7510a136f62b6f5d557d540fba62f4480.png (231x690, 66.59K)

Only English has this ultra cringy words

your entire language is cringy

Jajaja jillariuff, tooffpafte, ftay mad. :3

not everyone here speaks like ted tuner! just like not everyone talks about the the spanish inquisition.

I resent that. Southerners voices are still higher pitched on average than Texans anyway.

Don't agree with any of these, these are all the non-whiny yank accents. The super whiny horrible one is the stereotypical californian girl

hey now I speak both those language and I think they are both cringe.

muh heritage faggots should be fucking purged, literal scum of society


Your even mocking me wrong. Iz zhould be zomething like thiz

go start a civil war, you get angary when you don't taste blood.

why are they dum? :D