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International #1327
Would you ever live in Sydney?
So what have you Zig Forumscels learned about international culture since coming here?
Are all Czechian girls as pretty as her?
Jokes aside, what nordics normally eat?
Sverigetråden - Kyss mina fötter!!
Buy new high end gaming PC
Are most of these posters Hispanic?
Changing your name
Do you love Hungary?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
In Japan
I wish cigarettes here were as cheap as in eastern europe
Advertising country generals
Why do some northcucks think we love em?
MENA people, what do you have to say for yourselves? Why are you so fat?
I feel a spiritual change coming on in myself like when I became an atheist 5 years ago...
Nooooooooooooooo you can't just fr*ken draw my prophetino and call us violentino! I'm going to heckin kil
Most intelligent in the world
Good morning
Why do people here make fun of travelling?
Does Zig Forums have a good taste in manga?
If your country has never destroyed another civilization, you are not white
/ישר/ - /isr/
Why did Jeff Bezos adopt a chinese girl?
Are the English Germans like us?
Do Saudi Arabian qts want to taste Big Polish Cock?
Gaijin chans are saying" I hate anime!!"
Kurva anyátok
Have you ever been in a fight?
How can I get a german gf?
What makes French food different? This just looks like typical European food
What is the best Spanish accent/dialect to learn? What is the hottest?
Do you love morocco?
Let's have another Iran thread. Post all Iran related shit here, on any subtopic you find interesting, please
Name the worst 1st world country
Do you have food in your country?
/eag/ - East Asian General
Why do white people fear this piece of fabric?
Why do Nordics do this?
So, user? Were you born in a girl month?
Are interracial couples common in your country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why do they pale in comparison in virtually every single way to their ancestors?
There is a FACT that the Korean government hides from its people and the whole world
Im white?
/fr/ - le francofil
How is breastfeeding seen, heard, smelt, touched and tasted in your country?
Every time I come across a man shorter than me...
What is the best mixed raced combiation?
Can you draw Zig Forums? I can only make kid scribbles; pic related
Zig Forums humour thread
I found old Japanese books in the warehouse of the house my great-grandfather lived in
Quick, define russian girls in two words
Do you love Japan?
Yep, I'm thinking basadinho
/desi/ - Kerala Chad Edition
Imagine being a girl
Americans btfo
Remember who actually handled COVID horrifically wrong
/ita/ - il filo
A. ur cunt
These fellas do anything interesting?
Average wage in brownentina is now 146 usd a month
What is your cunt traditional breakfast?
My indonesian gf just sent me this
I am only racist to nonwhite people who try to weasel their way into sex and relationships with white people...
How do you do, fellow Latinos?
Why so many cars parks on street in South Korea?
1. your country
Only the real remember this meme and the drama it caused in the Spanish speaking world
What are rednecks actually like? They seem pretty friendly from the tv shows about them I've watched
Do you guys realize that religion is just a money scam, right?
Int, have you ever wondered why you call us black and utterly non-white?
Ever since I heard about this, I can't stop associating every Mexican flag with it
1. Your flag
Why do they suck Japan's dick so much? Is it Stockholm Syndrome?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Lilla Pips upplaga
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2439
How do they always come back stronger from what after the world throws at them
What country do you imagine as hell on earth?
You have 10 seconds to act as German as possible
With the United States collapsing- would you host an american refugee in your home?
There is a prevalent attitude of
/skandi/ + /danmarktråden/ + /norgetråden/ + /sverigetråden/ + /íslandsthráðurin/
Choose your WW3 team
How to immigrate into the USA
Which single person made the biggest contribution to US becoming the world's superpower in the 20th century?
India after defeating China
Whats your favorite country of the world? not because politics or ethnicity but because aesthetics
Why don't Latin Americans eat pickled or fermented vegetables?
Could I pass as a local in your cunt
/fr/ - francofil
So why did le ebic Syrian fascist girl post the rather extreme rarity that is a light-eyed Arab instead of the usual...
In Europe sugar, fat, and alcohol is taxed
Why Spaniards and Italians are considered whites but Afghans don't?
Does this happen in your country?
Syrian man has managed to avoid deportation and jail time after being convicted by a Swedish court of raping a...
Be "finnish" (almost 100%)
Which face is sexier?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Applying for a job in Canada
Europe bros
1) your cunt
If you could choose where to move, would you pick Europe or the United States?
/ita/ il filo
Croats aren't base-
I bet you would humiliate me for being a 5'4'' male in you're country, don't like to me, i know you owuld
What are some stereotypical white people hobbies?
/ita/ il filo
Post eyes
What America could have been if the guy sent to negotiate the end of Mexican-American War wasn't a self-hating cuck
Why not let China or Japan rule Southeast Asia?
Is crime in Japan actually like this?
/éire/ Éagrán Shéamais
Ahhhhhh the French
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
Why don't latinx like to shower?
/nachtschicht/ um 6 wieder /deutsch/
Do they like each other?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How does it feel to know when people say "UK" "Britain" or "England" they mean London? How does it feel to know that 36...
I wish he were my President
I feel we are closer to Brazilians than to other Spanish speaking latinos besides Panama, CR...
Are there a lot of metalheads in your country?
ITT: we fix our countries
Anyone know this feel?
Is weed legal in your area? When was the last time you smoked weed?
I am on 4g kratom now and all I feel is tiredness
Döner baskısı
/fr/ - francofil
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Really says alot
Built from 1529-1534, this monastery was built with thick tall walls as well as with defensive merlons on it
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/ita/ - il filo
Wtf Germanbros how will we twist this one up?
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
/lat/ - hilo latino
/brit /
I just voted for Trump
/desi/-Kaala edition
What existing ethnic groups don't have their own country?
Why does Brazil do this?
Many people seem to shit on my country due to what has been happening in recent years...
I have an obsession with that racista española chick. Please help me
Sverigetråden Anton-upplagan
/ישר/ - /isr/
What made you so angry this year?
I've never seen an Indian in real life
/fr/ - francofil francophone
Norwegian cuisine
I want to see nature of your homeland
Visit Zig Forums to discuss international stuff
Do Brazilians realize that we Europeans see them as brown macacos regardless of if they are from the north or south...
I’m at a restaurant and I’m seated near two cops and within the past 5 minutes two boomers have walked past and...
This is how med women look like
What are the best cities in Europe?
Western slavaboos is a thing, actually?
He tries to learn a language after 20
Do you love the United Kingdom?
"Because the South of Brazil blablabala"
Boycott french products
What have they done to deserve this suffering?
For me it's the Spanish one
I've never seen a real forest with my own eyes
Sverigetråden - Helgupplagan
I am becoming increasingly disconnected with reality
/fr/ - le francofil
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
These are the only European countries that need to exist
Greeks of Zig Forums
Does any american in this board actually have thousands of dollars of debt or is it just a meme?
Korea is basically a developed Laos
white skin
Who was in the right here?
1. Your cunt
Is this true mexibros?
Post commercials from your country and guess what they're about
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Finns look like aliens
Are any of you guys immigrants? Why would you do it instead of fixing your country...
All these qt girls you see when you decide to go outside after a long time
Borat 2 is out
Be me
In Europe, women fantasize about being a stay at home wife
Single handedly responsible for spreading a possible bioweapon into the west
Half the anti-SJW/anti-feminist ecelebs from 2016 are now commies
What does your high school class look like in your country?
Average French
What are your first three words that comes to mind when you see this image
1. cunt
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
How would you improve life for Mexicans?
Sverigetråden Fredagsfest-upplagan
Have you ever been to the Louvre? Did you like it?
Friendly Reminder that although France claimed a lot of land in North America it all actuality it only controlled pic...
1. Your country
/desi/ - spice edition
Are somalis based??
Are there elephants in you're country?
Wake up
6'9 280 pound 18-year old
Look upon the average Zig Forumstard
What can a foreigner do in Japan other than teach English?
Greater India has 500 Million Muslim population and still live in relative harmony with Hindus
They unironically have the most beautiful language in Europe
/fr/ francofil
What’s your sexuality in your country?
Good afternoon Zig Forumscels how was your week in your country?
When you realize muslims are the good guys
Why are white people becoming obsessed with getting thick?
French men look like this?!
If Pic related didn't I would never have Aviophobia. But guess since 6 year Old...
Is Denmark a nice place to live?
Hairless "males" should be feminized to serve manly med/mena men
Which phone do you use?
"Daddy, what made you fall in love with Mommy?"
Is this true, frens? If so, i feel bad for them
How are old people treated in your country?
Japanese women love Korean men
Do people in your country eat duck meat?
Sverigetråden - Våldsamma upplagan
As my hatred for China grows, my love for Japan also grows
/lang/ - Language Learning General:
Your cunt
The uk is the worst amongst developed countries
Post america
Why haven't you practised BDSM yet?
It's literally impossible to suffer in a blue country
Is this the average Algerian ?
Who's next in line to become a first world country?
Behold the "Pure" Germanic race
Why haven't you moved to japan yet?
How many of these do you have, user?
What is your favorite country?
What's the purpose of this "country" existing if there's no Habsburgs to rule it anymore and their official religion is...
What will happen if Korea is unified?
/fr/ - le fil français
Have you ever tried a candy bar made with cow's blood?
Your cunt
Your country
Sverigetråden Ensamma-upplagan
Jewish population: ~21 million
Italians wake up
Russians are whi-
Do posters fron here really think they aren’t eastern european?
Become a wageslave goy
Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
Why european prefer compact car?
What are your thoughts on Texas?
Are there a lot of redhead in your cunt?
How do i stop being racist?
Do people support local businesses in your country?
What do you REALLY think of Italians?
All the anti-white propaganda that gets posted here is ironic, r-right guys?
/ישר/ - /isr/
Do you have qt Muslim girls in ur cunt ?
Are you a diaspora from Chungustan?
Can someone please tell me the hate that Latin Americans harbor for Iberians. Every time they are discussed...
What are German women like?
This is Francophone Africa. Say something nice about them
/tr/ - her daim kaliteli içerik
We already know what guys she's into
This is the province of Amapá in Brazil
Duterte's been pushing for a law to make me serve in some fucking reserve corps, what the fuck is he thinking?
Povertyfag here. thank you based Australia
Why do people like China so much on here? I'm not saying that they should instead like America...
His cunt actually apologizes for the war crimes they commited
Oh nonono indiakeks
Once and for all proof France is Islamic at this point
/ita/ il filo
Argiemutt hate thread
What is the healthcare system like in your country and do you like it?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
How to attract an Icelandic man to be my bf?
13% of total pops, but also 50% of crime
Would Europe be better this way?
Is there any woman more attractive than an East Asian girl?
What is the general opinion on mexico?
Why is their english so good? can they be considered anglos at this point?
/eag/ - East Asian General
Why 90% of transgender people are from South America
Falling for the asian wife meme
Do you plan to start a family Zig Forums?
How do you say poop in your native language?
Halloween is coming
Do you love Korea?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Ancestry thread
I'm going to huezil next month. Redpill me on how not to get killed and how to avoid the designated murder streets
Post a venus !
Why is the US rich, and Mexico poor?
/skandi/ + /danmarktråden/ + /norgetråden/ + /sverigetråden/
Chinese are becoming lords of the world as Shartmerica collapses
Wtf, ancient Babylonianshad thick cowgirl mommy gfs???
Unironically, should I join the military?
Feels good not living in some place with legal slavery
Your average non cherrypicked japanese high schooler
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2438
Why do Japanese love Mexicans so much?
Ancient Chinese Classics Thread
Which one
What car does Zig Forums drive?
Why haven't you converted to Islam yet?
Do blacks really?
I tried to make a proper Brexit simple as full English breakfast this morning. How does it look lads?
/ita/ - il filo
1. Your race
/fr/ - franc'fil
Tfw no gf
Argentineans, will you miss Uber Eats?
Are the lesser Anglo countries like Britain, Australia...
Is drinking somewhere alone considered weird in your country?
America is not a first world country. when I think of first world countries I think of places like Canada...
Do people care about whiteness in your country?
Native Americans
If your cunt had its own Mt. Rushmore, what people would be on it?
I no longer dislike immigrants
Does this happen in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
Do you believe the universe is endless?
You have 10 seconds to act as Polish as possible
Redpill me on Iceland
What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?
Which country would you rather live in?
How do you cope with not living in the north?
Firstoids be like: "My internet order took 4 days to get to my house, I live in a shit hole"
It is official, AI confirms Brazil is in fact BLACK
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/cat/ - Catholic Nations
/fr/ - le francofil
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do you want to find international love?
/ita/ - il filo
Monthly reminder that life in Russia is better than Brazil
Why don’t they unite and become an even bigger shithole?
Why are spaniards like this? Why can't they behave like human beings?
I'm cold ;_;
Muslims are subhumans
Do you have a heritage that comes from outside the country you're in...
How is your typical non working day Zig Forums?
Huh, why is it?!?
Sverigetråden - Götetråden
Does your country have an equivalent to this awful place?
Why do they love Jews so much?
/desi/-Baldnaldo edition
Hey incels, what do people in your country do when they are bored?
Be honest Zig Forums, how many of you are sexpats? you know that's pathetic right?
Are the United States really that much richer than the western european countries?
You wake up in eastern Europe
St. Petersburg... home
What happens here?
Nice to see whites finally fighting back against white genocide
/fr/ - LE fil
The China question
/fr/ - francofil
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Thoughts on Turks?
Do you have cul-de-sac neighborhoods in your country? That is a road layout designed to limit through traffic
Wa do wypipo do't season dey food?
Kurva anyátok
Your thoughts on India's cultural sphere?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Did you grow up white trash in your country?
My train is one hour late and the transfering station is in Paris suburbs...
Name a country with a longer and more interesting history (you literally can’t)
Sverigetråden - Skördarupplagan
/ita/ - Il Filo
Tell me about your general
Why do they speak in a high-pitch, nasal voice?
>his language doesn’t have gendered pronouns
I've never seen a cat irl
/soygen/ - Soyjak General
These are the countries not recognized by at least one UN member state, which ones do you recognize Zig Forums?
Are the Chinese correct?
Has your country helped another country during difficult times?
Colonized countries outside of Latin America
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How come Iran wasn't Arabized like Egypt and Mesopotamia...
Your cunt
Thank GOD I don't live in a blue « country »
/fr/ tiret le francofil
/lat/ hilo latino
I want to visit pakistan and turkey
What is your cunt #1 at?
Powerful, thank you Germans for standing up to Blumph
How to say "semen demon" in your language?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine