Why 90% of transgender people are from South America

Why 90% of transgender people are from South America
I know that part of earth is cursed but damn chill

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what do you expect from indians who got raped and lost their language,culture and religion to cracKKKers?

everyone knows reason of being gay/transgender is rape. that is how they breed.

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Also what they do beside of working as escorts or cam model, i mean know they also work as stylists but what else they can do in your country?

I thought 90% of them were from Thailand.

>90% of transgender people are from South America
Most trans are in south east asia actually.
But let's be real, if the middle east wasn't as intolerant, and it actually allowed these people to exist, you would start seeing a bunch of trannies in your country too.

i want a latino bf

>Why 90% of transgender people are from South America
stop letting chaturbate and Zig Forums affect your views of other countries. Seriously.

i fucking love latinx america
such a comfy place

Here trans are really common escorts, like on every main street there are groups of trans just waiting arround to get picked idk why, heard someone say some shit about dick not working, and wanting to have sex, but because man to man is gay, they just do it with ,a "woman"

Because a woman without penis is like an angel without wings