Do they like each other?
Do they like each other?
i don't think about portugal other than the fact that i wish my family kept old documents from deceased people
portugal hates brazil
brazil doesn't care about portugal
We just don't like getting our cities filled with low iq favela monkeys. Otherwise we like them overall.
it's hard to like brazilians if you've been on the internet for a while, but irl brazilians are cool tbqh
In brazil it's a common thing to make fun of Portugal
we have a bunch of jokes about portuguese "people"
The Portuguese was meeting with his friends, when they started talking about a moral lesson, and one of the friends says:
- The other day I was walking on the street, when I saw a 12 year old kid eating a candy, and when he finished, he threw the paper on the floor.
And friends asked:
- And what did you do?
- I took him by the arm, made him take the paper, took him to the trash can and told him. That's where you play.
The Portuguese couldn't help himself and told his story.
- It happened to me too, but it was with a man, I arrived at my house and told Maria. Maria, it looks like there's something inside the wardrobe, it's making a noise. And when I opened the wardrobe door, I saw a naked man crouching inside him.
And friends asked.
- And what did you do?
The Portuguese looked seriously at his friends and said:
- I took him by the arm, took him to the bathroom, showed him the toilet and said. That's where you shit, and not in my wardrobe.
what the fuck Pascal Légitimus????????