Redpill me on Iceland
Redpill me on Iceland
Other urls found in this thread:
inbred, no army, strong men, no trees
land of ice
Looks like Puerto Rico
This Icelandic woman talks about her country, go check her videos
Are icelandic guys cute?
Fokking skeinkan þessi
Skal veðja að þú myndir fá minna frá því að leggja handklæði á andlit trúðs en þú myndir frá þessari
vó, það er bara dólgur í mönnum
they are replanting forests
Mátt ekki leyfa þessum skinkum halda því fram að þær eru myndalegri en þær eru í raun
Post the fat girl
unshitting goddess, would worship
Elf language
heilagur basi
It's actually icy
á íslensku má alltaf finna svar
If you like bears
Fuck no. Gross.
There’s no redpill.
Stay out then
Icelandic men are some of the largest and strongest in the world and vaguely inbred looking
Do Icelanders occasionally visit Greenland ?
I watched this move about Iceland, it was pretty great
>tfw 173cm twink that still gets carded
More for me then
Hi please me by bf
if it makes you happy cardar in catalan means fuck
Iceland unironically caused the French Revolution and the fall of our monarchy.
>Skal veðja að þú myndir fá minna frá því að leggja handklæði á andlit trúðs en þú myndir frá þessari
Please teach me icelandic and give me a tour of some rock and lukewarm spring when I visit.